7th CPC Pension for Post 2016 Retirees – PCDA Circular with Data-Sheet
These orders do not apply to those cases (retired after 1.1.16 but got pensions as per 6th CPC) where the pension at the old rates has already been finalized. For revision of Pension of such cases, a separate circular will be issued. Separate proforma for preparation of Data-Sheets in such cases, as provided in the circular, would be used.
Important Circular No.C-154
O/O The Pr.C.D.A.(P)
Date 12th August, 2016
(All Heads of Department under Min. of Defence)
Subject: – Implementation of Govt. decision on the recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission — Revision of provisions regulating pension/gratuity/commutation of pension/family pension/disability pension/ex-gratia lump-sum compensation, etc in respect of civilians/Defence Civilians of Ministry of Defence and their families.
Reference: GOI, Min of P.PG & Pensions, Deptt. of P&PW OM No.38/37/2016-P&PW (A)(i) dated, the 4th August, 2016.
The Govt. of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Deptt. of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare in their O.M. No 38/37/2016-P&PW (A) (i) dated, the 4th August, 2016 have issued orders for implementing Govt’s decision on the recommendations of Seventh CPC revising provisions of pension/commutation of pension with effect from 1-1-2016 (copy enclosed). With a view to implement the Govt. decision, the following procedural changes are made in regard to submission of fresh pension/family pension and commutation of pension claims.
2.1 Consequent on application of the C.C.S.(RP) Rules, 2016 and Deptt. of P&PW OM dated 4th August, 2016 referred to above, it has been decided that all pension claims shall be submitted to this office in the revised LPC Cum Data Sheets enclosed as Appendix-E’ and ‘F’ to this circular.
2.2 Pension claims in r/o individuals who have drawn pay and allowances in the revised scale of pay will be floated by the Head of Office in the revised LPC Cum Data Sheet as per Appendix-E’. Another Data Sheet (Rev) has been designed as Appendix ‘F’ for proposing amendments/revision of pensionary awards (for issue of corrigendum PPO) notified in the original PPO based on LPC Cum Data Sheet (Appendix-E’) as stated above.
3. The new designed Data-sheets, viz, Appendix `E’ & ‘F’, will be given effect for implementation as soon as Pay under Seventh CPC is fixed and H.O.O. is in a position to initiate the pension cases on the revised formats. However, no case on the old Data-sheets will be accepted after 30-09-2016. It may please be noted that this is an essential requirement for expeditious notification of Pension/Revision of pension.
4. In this connection, sets of each data sheet alongwith instructions are forwarded herewith for transmission of the same to the lower formation/Unit/HOO under your control. The unit/formation declared as H.O.O. may be instructed to use the data sheets alongwith supporting documents as per the revised procedure. Additional copies of data sheets and instruction, if required, may please be prepared/printed at your end for circulation. A copy of the instruction issued by you to your unit/formation/HOO may please be endorsed to this office.
5. These orders do not apply to those cases (retired after 1.1.16 but got pensions as per 6th CPC) where the pension at the old rates has already been finalized. For revision of Pension of such cases, a separate circular will be issued. Separate proforma for preparation of Data-Sheets in such cases, as provided in the circular, would be used.
The receipt of this communication may please be acknowledged.
(The copy of this circular is available on the website of this office www.pcdapension.nic.in)
(Dr.Upinderbir singh)
Dear sir,
I retired in July 2016, till date no arrears as per 7cpc on commutation,gratuity, lve encashment recd. Nor any intimation received as any form is need to be send from our side, where to contact for the issue, advice please.
Contact your ex-employer’s Head of Officers.
Sir I was retired from Army on 31 Dec 2016 in the rank of Sub Maj Hony Lt. Arrears of difference of pay wef 01 Jan to 31 Dec 2016 as per 7cpc is approx two lakh and seventy five thousand, whereas only Rs fifty two thousand was credited in my account while I was in service and ninety thousand was credited in my account after retirement. There is a difference approx one lakh and thirty five thousand. Request please do the needful and balance amount credit in my account. My number is JC326810Y Sub Maj Hony Capt Anil Kumar. Record office BEG Roorkee and PAO is also at Roorkee.
Please confirm revised pension as per 7th pay commission when will release who were retired post 01.01.2016.
P Rajendran says
30-01-2018 at 1.00 pm
Sir I was retired on 31-08-2016 till now no information of revision of pension has been received so far. kindly intimate latest policy for post 2016 retirees.
Sir I m retired in Jan 2017 from army can.till now I have not rec’d the benefits of 7 the cpc and pension is also not increased after retirement.pl inform me latest updates regards my all benefits.thanx
I retire on 31 march 2017.i revieved all retire benefite as per 6 cpc. When i recieve 7 cpc benefit and pension. Please reply.
Sir, I got retirement from Indian Naval Service after completion 34 years as Hon Lt. on date 30 Jun 2016. And i am on pension w.e.f 01Jul 2016. But till now i did not receive any type arrear as per 7 th CPC .So please let me know when i am going to get new pay scale.
Suresh kumar says
31 September 2017 at 0130hrs
Sir i was voulantry retired in Hav(Gd) service 20 years 09 month on 31 Aug 2016. No arrears of pay with me regards to 7th pay commission is paid to me. Further no intimation of revision on pension has been received so far. Kindly intimate latest policy for post 2016 retires.
Pensioners who are getting pension as per 6th CPC will now receive less/equal amount of pension, if they opt for commutation/not opt for commutation. Finally no financial benefits to central govt employees….at all.
21 sep 2017
sub : any type arrier not recd as per 7th cpc. in post retire jan 2016 pensioner account
1. post retire jan 2016 or retire after jan 2016
2. all benifits cr in account on retirement time as per 6th cpc
3. time of imlementation of 7th cpc – more then one year.
4. as per above ; when and how many arrier cr in post retire jan 2016 pensioner account as per 7th cpc
pl reply
Sir I was retired on 31mar 2016 as Sub Maj.(Hony lt)No arrears of pay with regards to 7th CPC is paid to me. Further no intimation of revision of Pension has been received so far. Kindly intimate latest policy for post 2016 retirees.
Sir I was retired on 30April as LD. No revision of 7Cpc and arrears are paid to me. Kindly intimate latest report for post 2016 retirees.
Sir I was retired from army wef 01 Jan 2017 in the rank of sub Maj bony lt. Neither I have received arrears wef 01 Jan 2016 to 31 Dec 2016 as per 7cpc nor my pension has been revised.
Sir I was retired on 30 Apr 2016 as Sub Maj. No arrears of pay with regards to 7th CPC is paid to me. Further no intimation of revision of Pension has been received so far. Kindly intimate latest policy for post 2016 retirees.
already msg sent more time but no any no any reply so again fwd
no arriers creadit. in account of post retire jan 2016 pensioner. pl reply with katest progress.
I was retired from army on 31 Dec 2016 in the rank of Hony Lt. However arrears of diff pay as per 7th cocky has not yet been received. What are the latest order in this regard. Pl also provide information regarding revision of pension what are the latest order for post 01 Jan 2016 retirees.
What about payment arrears retired from 01.03.2016?
What is calculation pension table of after retirement hony commission rank of Lt.
Kindly give a small reply for satisfaction of affected vetarans
What about 7th CPC pay n pension armed forces post retiree 2016?
Please develop a calculator for calculating Defense Pension for Post 01-01-2016 retirees. If the feature of calculating Difference of Gratuity as well as Commutation is also included would be much more beneficial
Autonomous CSIR realised the memo for implement of 7th pay w.e.f from 1st Appril.2017.
What happened about pensioners those retired after Jan 2016.
What if pay fixation isn’t done by CRO and the individual is due for super annuation within next 08 months ? How his pension papers would be processed ?
It will be second time 1 percent DA after independence , both by Bhartiya JUMLA Party govt.
1% DA ? first time after freedom its happen in India ? ,so cheep NDA Govt. can’t believe.