7% of 6th CPC Dearness Allowance Increased from 1.7.2016 – Finmin Order
“who continue to draw their pay in the pre-revised pay band/grade pay as per 6th CPC recommendations, shall be enhanced from the existing 125% to 132% w.e.f. 01.07.2016”.
Rate of Dearness Allowance applicable w.e.f. 1.7.2016 to employees of Central Government and Central Autonomous Bodies continuing to draw their pay in the re-revised pay scale/grade pay as per 6th Central Pay Commission
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
New Delhi, dated the 9th November, 2016.
Subject:- Rate of Dearness Allowance applicable w.e.f. 1.7.-2016 to employees of Central Government and Central Autonomous Bodies continuing to draw their pay in the pre-revised pay scale/grade pay as per 6th Central Pay Commission Dearness Allowance calculator for DA from January 2017
Consequent upon acceptance of the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission by the Government, this Department vide O.M.No. 1/2/2016-E.II(B) dated 4th November, 2016 had. issued orders on rate of Dearness Allowance (DA) payable to Central Government employees based on the revised pay structure that came into effect from 01.01.2016.
2. The above rate, however, is not applicable to- those Central Government employees who had exercised an option to continue in the pre-revised scales of pay based on 6th CPC’s recommendations or to those whose pay and allowances had not been revised, for different reasons.
3. Further, as the recommendations of 7th CPC have not been made applicable to the employees of Central Autonomous Bodies as of now, they continue to draw their pay in the pre-revised pay band/grade pay as per 6th CPC recommendations. Therefore, the above rate of DA is also not applicable to these employees also.
4. The rate of DA w.e.f.01.01.2016 for Central Government employees and employees of Central Autonomous Bodies in pre-revised scale of pay, were issued by Department of Expenditure vide O.M.No. 1/1/2016-E.II(B) dated 7th April, 2016.
5. Accordingly, the rate of DA admissible to employees of Central Government and Central Autonomous Bodies who continue to draw their pay in the pre-revised pay band/grade pay as per 6th CPC recommendations, shall be enhanced from the existing 125% to 132% w.e.f. 01.07.2016.
6. The contents of this Office Memorandum may also be brought to the notice of the Organisations under the administrative control of the Ministries/Departments which have adopted the Central Government scales of pay.
(Nirmala Dev)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
7th CPC DA Order – Finmin issued DA Orders effective from 1.7.2016
Record note of the meeting on allowances held on 25.10.2106
Please release the da for pensioners of central govt retained employees of autonoums bodies
We are eagerly looking for this at every month
Our counterparts from other organisations are getting regularly
We are also have to go to same markets for our regular house hold purchases as prices are going high
The present govt. has forgotten to release the dearness relief to pensioners of Central autonomous bodies @ 7% from July,2016 who continue to draw their pension in terms of the prerevised pay scales.The existing serving employees have already got their DA @7% from July,2016.The UPA Govt. was better off atleast they released the Dearness relief to pensioners in time..Let us see in the next General Election.
Is this increase of 7% meant for also pensioners or only in service employees kindly clarify
D.A. July 16 for employees drawing pay in Vthcpc.
S.S.Paul says on December, 2016
whether the pensioners who continue to draw their pay in the pre-revised pay band/grade pay as per 6th CPC recommendations, shall be enhanced from the existing 125% to 132% w.e.f. 01.07.2016”.
sir.old pensioners ( pre2006) may possible to getting newscale of pen? oR not? if not DA will enhenced from 125pc 132pc to olo pensioner?
No DR orders for central government pensioners. Why?