3rd Pay Revision for CPSE : Superannuation Benefits and Medical Benefits
Superannuation Benefits: The existing provisions regarding superannuation benefits have been retained as per which CPSEs can contribute upto 30% of BP plus DA towards Provident Fund (PF), Gratuity, Post-Superannuation Medical Benefits (PRMB) and Pension of their employees.
12.1 The ceiling of gratuity of the executives and non-unionised supervisors of the CPSEs would be raised from Rs 10 lakhs to Rs 20 lakhs with effect from 01.01.2017 and the funding for the entire amount of Gratuity would be met from within the ceiling of 30% of BP plus DA. Besides, the ceiling of gratuity shall increase by 25% whenever IDA rises by 50%.
12.2 The existing requirement of superannuation and of minimum of 15 years of service in the CPSE has been dispensed with for the pension.
12.3 The existing Post-Retirement Medical Benefits will continue to be linked to requirement of superannuation and minimum of 15 years of continuous service for other than Board level Executives. The Post-Retirement medical benefits shall be allowed to Board level executives (without any linkage to provision of 15 years of service) upon completion of their tenure or upon attaining the age of retirement, whichever is earlier
13.Corpus for medical benefits for retirees of CPSEs: The corpus for post — retirement medical benefits and other emergency needs for the employees of CPSEs who have retired prior to 01.01.2007 would be created by contributing the existing ceiling of 1.5% of PBT. The formulation of suitable scheme in this regard by CPSEs has to be ensured by the administrative Ministries/Departments.
14.Club Membership: The CPSEs will be allowed to provide Board level executives with the Corporate Club membership (upto maximum of two clubs), co-terminus with their tenure.
3rd Pay Revision for CPSE : FITMENT BENEFIT
3rd Pay Revision for CPSE : INCREMENT
3rd Pay Revision for CPSE : DEARNESS ALLOWANCE
3rd Pay Revision for CPSE : HRA and HRR
The effective date of payment of retiral enhanced gratuity should reasonably be from the date of revision of pay as per DPE’s OM dated 3.8.2017 i.e..1-.1-.2017 and not from the date arbitrarily given by MO(L&E) i.e…29.3.2018 after lapse of about 15 months . Ironically in terms of DPE”s OM dated 3.8.2017 full payment of Rs.20 Lakhs gratuity is being made to all employees of G/U,who retired from January 2017 till 28..3.2018 but income tax being deducted over and above Rs.10 Lakhs,fixed during last revision till 28.3.2018,,for want of fresh G/N which was issued only on 29..3.2018. I am sorry to say that there is no correlation between the Ministry of (HI)and Ministry of (L&E) and that is why contradictory dates have been given by two different Ministry Under the same Govt.to harass the employees.They know very well that ceiling limit,,whatever the amount may be,,is always exempted from tax,because Govt.is not allowing employees to draw retiral gratuity as per PG Act Sec4(2) which will be more than ceiling limit but committed to enhance ceiling from the date of revision- of pay like 1-.1.-2016 for CPC and 1-.1-.2017 for G/U employees as per wage Agreement with the approval/directives of the President of India.. . So,,MO(HI) is requested to take up the issue with MO(L&E) to give retrospecti ve date so that employees retired from 1.1.2017 to 28.3.2018 can avail tax benefit of ceiling limit,otherwise employees will be double jeopardy ..in one side not allowing to draw gratuity as per provision of PG Act and on the other hand tax is deducted from ceiling limit itself, which is exempted as per Sec.10(10) of Income Tax Act 1961. .This contradictory effective dates are highly irrational and without application of mind which hits Article 14 of Constitution of India ….equally placed employees should be treated equally….More so gratuity act is for the welfare of employees for social security at old age and so effective date should be 1.1.2017 to regularise the order of other Ministries issued earlier as per time bound wage agreement…..It is needless to say that last time also gratuity payment was made from 1-.1-.2007 but tax was arbitrarilydeducted for non availability of G/N which was issued after two years and effective date was not given retrospectively from 1.1.2007 but from the date of issue of G/N i.e. 24.5.2010 and debarred some ill- fated employees who retired prior to 24.5.2010. to avail tax benefit as per income tax act….So, MO(HI) who is the controlling authority for wage revision must take up the matter with MO(L&E) to give retrospective date on and from the date of rev ision of pay…. If ceiling limit is omitted then there is no scope to amend the act…and employee can avail gratuity as per PG ACt… Moreso amendment of this act is always for benefit of employees..— In Ist revision G/N was issued in 1998 but effective date was given from 1997.but from 2nd and 3rd revision ,all such aspects have not been taken up before giving effective date knowing very well that time bound wage revision for CPC and G/U employees are done with approval/directives of the President of India much. .prior to G/Notification..and before passing the amendment . So, effective date should be given retrospectively to regularize the orders of other concerned Ministries,so as to allow the employees to avail the benefit of ceiling limit as per revision of pay,..,rather than harassing them for no fault of them.. . ,