Replacement pay levels for unorganised accounts cadres – 7th CPC Recommendations
Accounts Staff Belonging to Unorganised Accounts Cadres : In the Central Government, there are two categories of Accounts Staff: organised accounts cadres and unorganised accounts cadres. The organised accounts cadres belong to Indian Audit and Accounts Department, Controller General of Civil Accounts, Department of Posts, Indian Railways and Controller General of Defence Accounts. On the other hand, there are many isolated posts of accountants in Group `B’ and `C’ categories in various ministries/departments who engage in accounts related works. They do not belong to any organised cadre and are broadly referred to as unorganised accounts cadres.
The Accountants belonging to unorganised accounts cadres have put forward many demands ranging from upgradation of pay scales to merger with organised accounts cadres/other services. Accountants of Research and Analysis Wing, Cabinet Secretariat, have demanded upgrade from GP 4200 to GP 4800 on the lines of organised accounts cadres.
Similarly, the Accounts Officers and Junior Accounts Officers of the Central Administrative Tribunal have sought GP 5400 (PB-3) and GP 4800 respectively. The reference in this case are cadres of CSS/CSSS. Accountants of the Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D) have demanded that they should be upgraded from GP 4800 to GP 4600 with the designation of Senior Accountants.
Analysis and Recommendations : The matter has been examined. The Commission notes that the mode of recruitment, entry level qualification and the duties and responsibilities of the organised accounts cadres are different when compared to those of unorganised accounts cadres. Similarly, the skill sets of the organised accounts cadres are also fairly higher. The organised accounts cadres have to compulsorily pass various examinations for promotions. This may not be the case in respect of unorganised accounts cadres. In this backdrop, the Commission feels that the unorganised accounts cadres cannot be treated at par with organised accounts cadres. The demands relating to merger of their cadres with other services is also not feasible.
The Commission recommends replacement pay levels for unorganised accounts cadres.
1. What are the sin of those who get employed in unorganised accounts dept.
2. No departmental examination avenues left with the unorganised accountants.
3. Qualification remains the same.
4. Increase the level of competition for unorganised accountant as well.
All above justification are irrelevant
purely injustice with this cadre. it was expected that 7th cpc will consider the anomalies arisen in 6th cpc. 6th cpc did not recommended any pay scale for this cadre. it simply stated that existing relativity has been maintained with other ministerial staff with replacement pay band. pay of css cadre and organised accounts cadres are upgraded by the govt. because they have mass representation where as voices of poor unorgainzed acctts cadre very weak to reach the deaf ear of govt. only god may save them. heavy duties and responsibility with less pay is the fate of this cadre. hope anyone may read this comment and do something if he can. thanks.