Record Note of the 5th Meeting of National Anomaly Committee (NAC) held on 29th May, 2015
As per the request of Staff Side to discuss the pending anomalies arising out of 6th CPC, a meeting was held on 29.5.2015, in the Conference Room.72, North Block, New Delhi with the representatives of the Staff Side under the Chairpersonship of Ms. Mamta Kundra, Joint Secretary (Establishment), DoPT.
A list of participants who attended the meeting is annexed.
2. At the outset, Shri Ashok Kumar, Director, Central Pay Commission (CPC), welcomed the representatives of the Staff Side and Official Side and expressed his firm belief and conviction that all the issues/demands can be resolved through the consultative processes. He invited Leader and Secretary Staff Side for their opening remarks on the items.
3. Staff Side have requested that all anomalies /issues of 6th CPC may be resolved /settled before the 7th CPC gives its report and there should not be any communication gap between Official Side and Staff Side. The Staff Side expressed its dissatisfaction over infrequent convening of meetings. Secretary, Staff Side also suggested that the next/early date for the meeting also be fixed. They drew attention to the Minutes of the meeting dated 17th & 27th July, 2012 on the MACP issues and wanted to know about the outcome / finality of the issues discussed and whether these are accepted partially or otherwise. Further, as per 6th CPC recommendations, various issues to be decided by the different Ministries / Departments are pending with DoPT/DoE for last several years. Staff Side expressed its anguish on non-resolution of issues and their reference to 7th CPC. They asked for a Status Report in this regard.
The items were then taken up for discussions.
Item No.1: Review of MACP to Grade Pay of Rs.2000/- where there is no such grade pay in Railways
Item No.3: Treatment of employees selected under LDCE Scheme/GDCE Scheme.
Shri M. Raghaviah, Leader of the Staff Side raised Item No.1 regarding review of MACP to Grade Pay of Rs.2000/- where there is no such grade pay in Railways. He explained that there are 400 categories in the Railways and in 98 percent of the categories, there is no grade pay of Rs.2000/-; therefore, GP of Rs.2000/- does not exist. He said that it was the duty of the Government to resolve the issue before the 7thCPC submit its report. Staff Side requested to solve this serious anomaly as several employees are in disadvantageous position.
5. Staff Side also suggested for the option to continue ACP benefits in lieu of MACP and also requested for five regular promotions. Staff Side also mentioned that there is no cadre restructuring in the MoD.
6. Official Side discussed these issues in detail and impressed upon the Staff Side on the issue related to Item No.3 i.e. ‘treatment of employees for MACP selected under LDCE/GDCE scheme’ that DOPT has already issued a clarification in September, 2012 giving similar treatment of LDCE/ GDCE in MACP scheme as was available in the ACP Scheme. As regards Item No.1, it was reiterated that MACP envisages placement in grade pay structure in the revised pay bands and non-consideration of Grade Pay of Rs.2000/- would not be in the spirit of the scheme. Any change for Railways would have wider ramifications in Government of India. Staff side desired that this issue may be reviewed since there is a large number of railway staff suffering due to this anomaly otherwise they should be given option for opting MACP or ACP.
Official Side agreed to review this issue.
Item No.2 i.e. Granting of additional pay to Loco and Running Staff.
7. Staff Side raised this issue that since Loco and Traffic Running Staff are uncommon categories, the demand may be considered. The Official Side agreed that Ministry of Finance would revisit the issue; Ministry of Railways was advised to send a fresh proposal in detail after examination, indicating the financial implication involved in the proposal.
Item No.4 regarding Grant of Minimum Entry Pay meant for Direct Recruits to Promotees.
8. With regard to this item, Staff Side expressed its dissatisfaction and stated that the decision was taken in the meeting of NC(1CM) / Standing Committee meeting where it was agreed to implement the same. Now it is being stated that Finance Minister has not agreed as it was not in line with the spirit of JCM scheme. The Staff Side impressed upon the Official Side to take up the proposal again with Finance Minister. The Official Side reiterated its stand that with the new pay structure in position after 6th CPC recommendations, no changes are warranted in the matter. The Staff Side was also informed that stepping up of pay is however continued to be made on a case to case basis where brought to the notice of Finance Ministry. Staff Side insisted that matter should be referred to F.M. again with their earlier agreement.
Official Side informed that as per discussions held in the meeting, the matter will be put up once again to the Finance Minister for decision in the matter.
The meeting ended with the agreement that some more issues/anomalies would be discussed in the next meeting in continuation of this meeting.
Lab technicians working in all central government hospitals and dispensary labs, but JCM has taken only for the Lab Technicians working in Ordinance Factory Hospitals as issue in the NAC meeting . I don’t know the reason behind in it. May the JCM will clarify this ?
Item No.3:- PB-2 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/- for Lab Technicians.
The Staff Side demanded for grant of Grade Pay of Rs.4200/- for Lab Technicians working in Ordinance Factory Hospitals against the GP of Rs.2800/-.”
Lab technicians working in all central government hospitals and dispensary labs, but JCM has taken only for the Lab Technicians working in Ordinance Factory Hospitals as issue in the NAC meeting . I don’t know the reason behind in it. May the JCM will clarify this ?