MoD once again issued a clarification orders with three illustrations of an employee shall be fixed who has been granted financial upgradation in MACP on 15.3.2016 in the grade pay of Rs.4200.
MoD action on BPMS’s representation on Seeking of Clarification regarding Option & Pay Fixation in 7th CPC
Office of the Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt – 110010
Dated: 05 Jan 2017
PCA(Fys)/All CsFA(Fys)
(Through NIC mail server
Subject: Representation of Defence Civilian Employees’ Federations regarding misinterpretation of RPR 2016 leading to incorrect pay fixation of employees.
A copy of MoD/D (Civ-I) ID No 11 (6)/2016-D(Civ-I) dated 07.12.2016 along with all its enclosures on the above subject is forwarded herewith. It is seen that MoD/D(Civ-I) has requested that the clarification on the subject from MoF/MoD(Fin) may be awaited. Accordingly, the instructions issued by MoD in para 2 of the MoD ID dated 7.12.2016 may be adhered to avoid any inconsistencies in the matter of pay fixation.
Jt CGDA (P&W) has seen.
(Vinod Anand)
The employee has exercised option 2 to fix the pay in the Pay Matrix after availing the increment dated 1.7.2016, in the old pay structure scale
Option 2 is exercised by the employee to fix the pay in the new pay matrix after availing promotional upgradation under MACP Scheme that look place on 1.1.2016
Option 2 is exercised by the employee to fix the pay in the pay matrix after availing promotion/MACP upgradation as on 15.3.2016
Sir in sixth pay commision . I have taken two increment as got pramotion on 24 feb 2016 and at the date of pramotion I have not taken any increment only difference of grade pay. But in July I have taken 2 increment one for pramotion and second as annual increment . In the period of 3 months feb 2016 to july 16 I have did not taken the increment related to pramotion . Please help me to get the fixation in 7th cpc.
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