NFSG to Eligible Grade ‘D’ Stenographers – Dopt Clarification Orders
Grant of Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/- to Stenographers Grade ‘D’ of CSSS
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
(CS-II Division)
3rd floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan
Khan Market, New Delhi
Date: 20th June, 2018
Subject: Grant of Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/- to Stenographers Grade ‘D’ of CSSS-Issuance of Zone of consideration for placement of eligible Stenographers Grade ‘D’ in Non-Functional Selection Grade (NFSG)-reg.
The undersigned is directed to refer to OM No. 6/6/2011-CS-II(C) dated 23.09.2011 on the subject mentioned above and to say that consequent upon issue of the OM ibid, representations from a no. of officials of CSSS who were not placed in the same list as a result of their getting promotion already on adhoc basis to the grade of PA vide OM No. 5/3/2011-CS-II(C) dated 05.06.2011 (copy enclosed), were being received by this Department.
2. The matter has been under examination in this Department in consultation with Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance for some time. It has now been decided with the approval of competent authority to grant NFSG w.e.f. 22.06.2011 to the officials as stated in Para (1) above till their promotion as PA on adhoc basis for which order was issued vide this Department’s OM No. 5/3/2011-CS-II(C) dated 05.08.2011 subject to the eligibility conditions and after following the procedures as prescribed in OM No. 20/49/2009-CS-II(B) dated 22.06.2011.
3. Accordingly, the Cadre Units of CSSS are requested to place the eligible Steno Grade ‘D’ as on 22.06.2011 as given in Annexure to the OM in NFSG after following the procedure as p as prescribed in OM No. 20/49/2009-CS-II(B) dated 22.06.2011 and ascertaining the relevant eligibility conditions. A copy of order placing the eligible Steno Grade ‘D’ in NFSG, as stated may please be furnished to this Department for the purpose of the record. Ministries/Departments and officials concerned may check the information in Annexure and bring to notice of this Department if there is any discrepancy in the list by 29.06.2018.
4. Cadre Units should sent a report to CS-II Division detailing the officers who have been granted NFSG by 20th July, 2018.
(Chirabrata Sarkar)
Under Secretary to the Govt of India)
Dear Sir,
At last NFSG order issued, no pay fixation, as we already got 3% increment on MACP (in2009), so only grade pay difference. Now my question is
After MACP (2009) – 3% increment with pay fixation received
NFSG (June 2011) – No pay fixation only Grade Pay difference (for less than 2 months)
Subsequent regular Promotion – No pay fixation received only GP difference (Aug. 2011)
After MACP, no payfixation for NFSG only grade pay difference. Subsequent regular promotion also no payfixation, only GP difference given. what is the rule for fixation of pay ??? Two time GP difference only given. Clarification on this point is required. Please.
ANSWER TO SHOBA ; Since there is no pay scales from 6th CPC for promotions only grade pay added to his basic pay, there is no any pay fixations. Further this is to inform you that in the 7th CPC there will not be monitory benefits for promotions, only the up-gradations by MACP schemes of every 10 years those who have not got the promotions between that 10 year period they will be given one increment (If
as per the vacant post of promotions they may not get any monitory benefits only designation changes).
Based on the DoPT order in r/o NFSG to Stenographers of 1996 batch, please clarify whether they will get any pay fixation.
Pay fixation given in MACP in Sep. 2008 (to GP 2800). Only grade pay difference given in Ad-hoc promotion as PA in August 2011.. However, as per the above OM, the pay fixation part is not mentioned anywhere. Kindly clarify whether the difference of pay only will get on fixation of NFSG GP 4200 (???), If so, also clarify the pay fixation on ad-hoc promotion (GP 4600). Grant of 3% at the time of ad-hoc promotion is available ?????
Answer to SOBHA – Since 1/9/2008 as MACP of every 10th year your pay will be upgraded. You will get next MACP on 9/2018 by (in addition to July increnent) additional one Increment in level 5 and fixed next stage of level 6. Moreover in July 19 also get one increment in level 6. Further this is to inform you from 6th CPC onwards no promotional pay scales for next destination.
Thank you very much sir
However, there is no clarity on the reply.
MACP got with one increment (GP 2800 – level 5).
Promotion as PA got in 05.08.2011 (GP 4600 – level 7); no pay fixation only grade pay difference given.
As per DoPT order dt. 20.06.2018, nfsg given to eligible stenographers w.e.f. 22.06.2011 (only two months difference). Please clarify whether any pay fixation will give on nfsg (???)
Yes in the 6th CPC only grade pay changes, with basic pay and increnent given due to promotion on completion of 6 months increment will be advance. I.e. from January or July. Promotion From 2/1 to 30/6 increment in January, from 2/7 to 31/12 increment in July. If from 1/1 to 30/6 in July & 1/7 to 31/12 in January. In the 7th CPC no pay fixation only in MACP the pay matrix level changes. In the promotion only designated changes, no monitory benefits.