Massive demonstrations to protest against retrograde recommendations of the VII CPC
Today, in the meeting held in the office of NC/JCM(Staff Side), 13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi, it has been decided that, all the constituents of NJCA shall give direction to their affiliates to hold massive demonstrations, bearing black badges, on 27th November, 2015, against the following retrograde recommendations of the VII CPC
All India Railwaymen’s Federation
Dated: November 20, 2015
The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,
Dear Comrades,
Reg.: Massive demonstrations to protest against retrograde recommendations of the VII CPC
Today, in the meeting held in the office of NC/JCM(Staff Side), 13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi, it has been decided that, all the constituents of NJCA shall give direction to their affiliates to hold massive demonstrations, bearing black badges, on 27th November, 2015, against the following retrograde recommendations of the VII CPC.
Against the demand of the Staff Side, National Council(JCM) for Minimum Wage Rs.26,000, the VII CPC has recommended Rs.18,000, thereby widening the gap between Minimum and Maximum Wage as 1:13.8 while our demand was to keep this ratio not more 1:8.
The present rate of HRA, i.e. 30%, 20% and 10% has been reduced to 24%, 16% and 8% respectively.
The number of interest-free advance, like Festival Advance, etc. have been recommended to be stopped.
Instead of removing the existing anomalies in the MACPS, the Pay Commission has introduced examination for granting MACP benefit.
The Pay Commission has also refused to make any recommendation against the NPS.
In case of Child Care Leave for women employees, leave wage shall be reduced to 80% for second spell of 365 days CCL.
All of you are requested to comply with the aforementioned decision of the NJCA, and the report of the same should be sent to NJCA Headquarters Office, i.e. 4 State Entry Road, New Delhi.
Yours faithfully,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
General Secretary
Source: AIRF
This is on the issue of MACP for non-gazetted administrative posts.
The MACP system should be changed into Promotional Basis ATLEAST AT ONE POING OF TIME AT THE LEVEL FROM NON-GAZETTED POST TO GAZETTED POST instead of just increase in grade pay. Many seniormost employees who have already put more than 20, 30, 40 years in the present post (non-gazetted), because of non-availability of vacancy, they are still in the same designation (that means in the non-gazetted post only) by getting only minimum increase in the grade pay and retire without getting promotion to the next higher position in the gazetted post even though they are eligible for promotion to the gazetted level post.
Hence, it is required that those who have completed minimum residency period in the present post, they should be given promotion under MACP from non-gazetted level to gazetted level.
If 7th CPC and the government agrees for change of MACP system into promotional basis, its effective date, Commission’s / Government’s FOREMOST DUTY IS TO PROTECT THE SENIORS FIRST. THAT MEANS, THE SENIORS SHOULD BE GIVEN PROMOTION FIRST, THEN ONLY THE JUNIORS SHOULD GET PROMOTION. OTHERWISE, JUNIORS WILL GET PROMOTION TO THE NEXT HIGHER POST FROM THE DATE OF EFFECT OF MACP IN 7TH CPC AND THE SENIORS WILL BE IN THE SAME OLD DESIGNATION. Already the seniors are not benefitted in 6th cpc, atleast they should be benefitted by getting promotion BEFORE THE JUNIORS GET.
Dear Central Goverment Employees
With due respect ,I ,a central goverment employee beg to inform you that this the turning point of our life so we have to take it with great this upcomming 7th pay commission,central goverment allows only 14.27% for up grading our basic pay.this is just an increment not pay commission.we have to demonstrate if our goverment does not care of us.
Sir , It is suggested that pay fixation formula required to modified to protect seniority of senior employee as per their length of service. Step-I In the new pay matrix one increament should be given for two years of service in which post he/she recruited. Step-II then acp/macp fixation be given as he/she earned in entire carrier. Step-III then multiply his/her basic pay ×2.81(equilent to cabinet secretary multiplication factor) to arrive new 7 the CPC basic pay
This is on the issue of MACP for administrative posts.
The MACP system should be changed into Promotional Basis instead of just increase in grade pay. The seniors who have already put more than 10, 20, 30 years, they are still in the same designation getting only minimum increase in the grade pay and retire without getting promotion to the next higher position.
If 7th CPC and the government agrees for change of MACP system into promotional basis, its effective date, Commission’s / Government’s FOREMOST DUTY IS TO PROTECT THE SENIORS FIRST. THAT MEANS, THE SENIORS SHOULD BE GIVEN PROMOTION FIRST, THEN ONLY THE JUNIORS SHOULD GET PROMOTION. OTHERWISE, JUNIORS WILL GET PROMOTION TO THE NEXT HIGHER POST FROM THE DATE OF EFFECT OF MACP IN 7TH CPC AND THE SENIORS WILL BE IN THE SAME OLD DESIGNATION. Already the seniors are not benefitted in 6th cpc, atleast they should be benefitted by getting promotion BEFORE THE JUNIORS GET.
Our HRA should not be changed fm 30,20.&10 percent as rental vslue is sky rocketing.If CPC needs to attach DA based like transport allowance.It should be attachedwith 30,20& 10 percent etc.
For MACP ,5 macp must be given instead if previous 3macps.As stagnation is prevailing in all rank.And deptt examination must be conduced for promotion after completion of the eligible svc for promition not for MACP eligibility.
7th pay commission is kill the future of central Govt.. employee. we all are against to 7th pay commission report. it should be modified immediately. I believe finance minister play a vital role.
I have been working as a Postal Assistant in the Department of Posts (GP 2400) for the last 5 years. My present pay is Rs.11510 ( 9910 – 10210 – 10520 – 10840 – 11170 – 11510 )
As per the pay matrix of the 7th CPC, my new pay as on 01.01.2016 would be Rs.29600 ( 11510*2.57=29581, next stage in the pay matrix is Rs.29600 ).
But the present pay of Postal Assistants having 4 years of service is Rs.11170.As per the pay matrix, their new pay would also become 29600 as on 01.01.2016 ( 11170*2.57= 28707, , next stage in the pay matrix is Rs.29600 ).
That is the new pay of Postal Assistants having 5 years of service and 4 years of service as on 01.01.2016 would be the same, ie Rs. 29600.
The same anomaly is existed for pay bands 1800, 1900& 2000 GP employees also.Hence please make strong protection against this injustice.