Indefinite Strike Called by NJCA from July 11th will play a vital role to determine the fate of the 7th Pay Commission
Govt has to decide on 7th Pay Commission before Indefinite Strike
The Indefinite Strike Called by National Joint Council of Action from July 11th will play a vital role to determine the fate of the 7th Pay Commission. The amount of pressure exerted on the Government through this agitation may change the Govt Views over Pay Commission.
It is evident that the present NDA Government is not in favour of Bapus. And the Public opinion about Government Employee’s attitude and work Culture is too not in favour of CG Employees. So it is now the unity among Central Staffs and their undisputed faith over Unions, Staff Associations and Federations only will get them expected results.
At this juncture, somehow, the call for Indefinite Strike is a timely decision taken by NJCA and it is the only weapon, through which the powerless Central Staffs can intimidate the Government to do Justice for them in respect of Pay Revision and Improving Service Conditions.
That is why Federations are keep on telling the CG Staffs to be prepared for Indefinite Strike. They are, however, alarming the affiliated unions to be vigilant about the rumors about 7th Pay Commission. They informed that Social Media and Some News Agencies are publishing the false news which may deteriorate the Spirit of Govt Servants.
The Success rate of agitation Programs to be conducted by NJCA in order to prepare the Central Government Employees for Indefinite Strike will be the Pressure indicator to the Central Government to take decisions on 7th CPC issues and Pending demands prior to the Strike.
The Indefinite Strike is a well-defined and calculated move by NJCA to give the pressure to the Central Government as the Govt is reluctant to address the issues of CG Staffs and implement the 7th CPC recommendations.
It is inevitable to the Government to take decision on 7th Pay Commission before the commencement of Indefinite Strike.
Central govt employees have called for a strike from 11 July mainly for an increase in minimum pension & accordingly to formulate fitment table. What you will get is a mere 3000 to 5000 increase if approved. But the highly paid class 1 officers are the most benefited category in the bargain. They will get an increase more than your total emoluments. Here, what the 7 th CPC should do is to bring the big differences in pay between the lowest & highest paid employees to 1: 6 or maximum 1: 8. Here you will find the small number of highly paid employees take more than 50% of the total salary budget which is not acceptable.
At any time ( with in few days) Govt will announce 7th CPC for all central government already number of rumors floating about 7th cpc. According to print Media and TV media minimum scale is 21000 or 23000 rupees but there is no any clarity among above. Infact minimum scale will be 26000 rupees which is calliculated by various financial advisers. Another side NJCA preapering for indefinite strike from July 11 th. If strike will strate it will damage more in all aspects. Now the Govt should focus about 7th CPC to avoid forth comming strike by CG employees.. R SHANKAR