Incorporation of Aadhaar number in PPO Booklet – CPAO Orders
Preparation of list of Government servants due to retire along with their Aadhaar numbers and incorporation of Aadhaar number in PPO Booklet
NEW DELHI-110066
CPAO/Tech/Jeevan Pramaan/2015-16/515to662
Office Memorandum
Subject:- Preparation of list of Government servants due to retire along with their Aadhaar numbers and incorporation of Aadhaar number in PPO Booklet.
1. As a part of Digital India initiatives, Digital Life Certification (DLC) of the pensioner has been made an option for submission of life certificate by the pensioner in the month of November each year. As the role of Aadhaar has become vital, a column for Aadhaar has already been provided in the Pension Payment Order booklet. Accordingly, all Heads of Offices have to ensure that wherever available same is provided to their Pay & Accounts Offices alongwith pension papers of the retiring government servants. In this regard, a provision has also been made in CAM-52 (PPO Booklet) by adding the following columns after existing column no.5.
6. Permanent Account Number for Income Tax (PAN)
7. Aadhaar No. (if Available)
8. Mobile No. (if Available)
9. E-Mail ID (if Available)
2. The seeding of Aadhaar with pensioners’ PPO number and their bank accounts is being closely monitored by Prime Minister Office. While this information is being regularly collected by CPAO from banks, the processing of fresh pension cases alongwith Aadhaar number is a very important requirement for expediting seeding of Aadhaar number by banks with PPO number & bank account and smooth implementation of submission of DLCs by pensioners in the month of November.
3. Further, attention is invited to Rule 56 of CCS (Pension) Rules which provides that:-
“(1) Every Head of Department shall have a list prepared every three months, that is, on the 1st January, 1st April, 1st July and 1st October each year, of all Government servants who are due to retire within the next twelve to fifteen months of that date.
(2) A copy of every such list shall be supplied to the Accounts Officer concerned not later than 31st January, 30th April, 31st July or 31st October, as the case may be, of that year.”
4. To avoid any delay in finalizing the pension cases all Heads of Offices should have first-hand information of the Aadhaar number while preparing the list of retiring government officials as per the provision of Rule 56 of CCS (Pension) Rules and should provide the same to the Accounts Officer concerned not later than 31st January, 30th April, 31st July or 31st October of that year.
5. In has been observed that during the month of June, 2015; out of 3101fresh PPOs (Pension Payment Orders), only in 220 cases Aadhaar numbers have been indicated. All Pr. CCAs/CCAs/ AGs are once again requested to ensure that all fresh PPOs are sent to CPAO with Aadhaar numbers wherever available and quarterly list of would be retirees as mentioned in para 3 & 4 above also mention Aadhaar numbers wherever available.
(Subhash Chandra)
Controller of Accounts
Revised/Fresh PPOs in respect of pre 2006 Pensioners were required to be issued on implementation of 6th C.P.C., but we sorry to point out that this job is still pending since 2012. Our letters to the Chief Postmaster General, Punjab Circle as well as to Director of Accounts (Postal) Kapurthala / Senior Supdt of Post Offices Patiala Division , Patiala has got no positive response. Only two Revised PPOs have been received and that also after making on line complaints. All pensioners except these two pensioners are still awaiting their Revised PPOs. Concerned officials are in deep slumber. Really no body cares for the Senior Citizens /Pensioners. All my efforts as Genl Secy P & T Pensioners Welfare Association, Patiala Division, Patiala has failed miserably due to prevailing autocratic/ Babudom culture of our administration at all levels. We are still hoping and hoping…………………
Kuldip Singh Virk
Gene Secy
P & T Pensioners Welfare Association, Patiala Division, Patiala
Mobile 9417923380
This is good step in favour of those who will retire in the coming future but what about the old ones.