Instructions regarding observance of Wednesdays as a ‘Public Meeting Day’ for hearing public grievances
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
{Central Board of Direct Taxes)
Room No.157-B, North Block, New Delhi,
Dated the 6th January,2015
Subject: Instructions regarding observance of Wednesdays as a ‘Public Meeting Day’ for hearing public grievances-
As a part of Prime Minister’s ‘Good Governance Day’ promise to provide an “open and accountable administration’ it has been decided that all field offices of the Income Tax Department will observe ’Public Meeting Day’ during 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM every Wednesday to listen to and try to resolve the grievances of the members of the public. Heads of local income tax offices will not fix any official meeting on Wednesdays during the hours prescribed for interaction with the public and will ensure that their staff including staff at the reception and security personnel. are suitably instructed to allow the members of the public to meet the officers without prior appointment.
Accordingly, the undersigned has been directed to request all cadre controlling Principal Chief Commissioners /Director Generals of Income Tax to instruct all officers and staff under their cadre control to observe ‘Public Meeting Day’ during 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM every Wednesday with effect from 7th January, 2015 to listen to and to try and resolve the grievances of the members of the public.
A suitable feedback mechanism shall also be put in place by each cadre controlling Principal Chief Commissioner /Director General of Income Tax for offices under his control to record the number of grievances attended to and solved on every ‘public meeting day’, and to identify the deficiencies with a view to suggesting systemic changes required to avoid recurrence of delays in redressaI of grievances.
A report in this regard shall henceforth also be incorporated in their Monthly DO letters submitted to the Zonal Members concerned. It is expected that the above instructions will be adhered to without fail.
This issues with the approval of Chairperson, CBDT.
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This is a good idea and will definitely enhance the efficiency in Govt. Offices.