Collection of data of Central Government Staff and Officers – 7th Central Pay Commission
The Directorate General of Human Resource Development has published an order regarding the 7th Central Pay Commission is collecting data/information of Central government employees and officers on the following aspects.
The Seventh Central Pay Commission has commenced work and is currently engaged in the collection of data and relevant material from the department of Revenue as follows…
1. 7th CPC Questionnaire
2. Statement detailing the allowances payable to officers and staff
3. Data on Personnel – Sanctioned Strength, Number in position, Recruited prior and after 1.1.2004 and vacancies
4. Age profile of employees (All Groups) :
The total number of personnel in position as on 1.1.2014
Those less than 20 years of age
20 or more but less than 30 years of age
30 or more but less than 40 years of age
40 or more but less than 50 years of age
50 or more but less than 60 years of age
60 or more years of age
3.Autonomous bodies under the Ministry/department (As on 01/01/2014)
Number of Central Autonomous bodies :
No of personnel in Central Autonomous Bodies:
4.Data on Expenditure on salaries & Allowances : From 2010-11to 2012-13
1.Total Plan expenditure
2.Plan expenditure on Salaries & Allowances
3. Total non plan expenditure
4. Non plan expenditure on Salaries & Allowances
5. Total expenditure (1+3)
6. Total expenditure on salaries& Allowances (2+4)
7. Expenditure on Grants in aid Salaries
5. Autonomous Bodies
Grants in aid Salaries paid to Central Autonomous Bodies : From 2010-11to 2012-13
6.Data on Contractual Manpower
Ministry/Departments have in the recent past, outsourced various services through personnel engaged on contractual basis. In this regard the following data is sought:
Man months of deployment at various remuneration levels as given below
a) 10000 and less per month
b) From 10001 to 20000 per month
c) From 20001 to 50000 per month
d) Over 50000 per Month
Expenditure incurred on contract employees
7.Data on Training of Employees
The 7th Central Pay Commission requires immediately the above data/information to proceed further step on the recommendations of pay commission report.
Sep ka pay kitna ho 7pay comm.