7th CPC Stepping Up of Pay in Pay Matrix - Air Force Pay Rules, 2017 There shall be stepping up of pay in pay matrix of a senior if a junior promoted after 1st January, 2016 draws more pay in pay matrix..– (i) In cases where a senior Warrant … [Read more...]
7th CPC Stepping Up of Pay in Pay Matrix – Navy Pay Rules, 2017
7th CPC Stepping Up of Pay in Pay Matrix - Navy Pay Rules, 2017 In cases where a senior Sailor promoted to a higher rank before the 1st of January, 2016 draws less pay in the Pay Matrix in the revised pay structure than his junior who is promoted to … [Read more...]
NFIR write to Railway Board to settle the issue of stepping up of pay of Seniors drawing less pay than the Juniors
NFIR write to Railway Board to settle the issue of stepping up of pay of Seniors drawing less pay than the Juniors Stepping up of pay of Seniors drawing less pay than the Juniors consequent on fixation of pay due to implementation of 6th CPC … [Read more...]
Clarification regarding stepping up of pay of senior PAs of CSSS – Dopt Order
Clarification regarding stepping up of pay of senior PAs of CSSS w.r.t. their juniors G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M.No.5/16/2009.CS-II(C), dated 26/27.8.2015 Subject: Clarification regarding stepping up of pay of senior PAs of CSSS w.r.t. their … [Read more...]