Grant of 10 Days CL to Defence Civilian Industrial Employees Grant of 10 days CL to those Civilian employees under Defence Establishments who are not entitled to 17 holidays per calendar year GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF DEFENCE OFFICE OF THE … [Read more...]
Disciplinary Authority for ‘B’ and ‘C’ Group – INDWF
Disciplinary Authority for 'B' and 'C' Group - INDWF Disciplinary authority in respect of Group 'B' and 'C' post in Ordnance Factories INTUC INDIAN NATINOAL DEFENCE WORKERS FEDERATION R.Srinivasan General Secretary INDWF/Circular/028/2018 … [Read more...]
Modification of Pay-Slip of Industrial Employees Under OFB – PCA(FYS) Orders 14.11.2018
Modification of Pay-Slip of Industrial Employees Under OFB - PCA(FYS) Orders 14.11.2018 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF DEFENCE OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL CONTROLLER OF ACCOUNTS (FYS) 10-A, S.K. BOSE ROAD, KOLKATA: 700001 PAY TECH … [Read more...]
Waival of revenue stamp for all payments on the basis of ECS
Waival of revenue stamp for all payments on the basis of ECS No.Pay/Tech-I/0195/XXX Dated: 04/05/2018 To All CFA(Fys)/All Branch AOs Subject: Waival of revenue stamp for all payments on the basis of ECS A point has been scheduled to be raised in the … [Read more...]
Payment of OT Calculation in the Revise Pay – PCA (Fys) Instruction
Payment of OT Calculation in the Revise Pay - PCA (Fys) Instruction Payment of Over Time Allowances (OTA) in the revise pay to the employees Of Defence Industrial Establishment governed by the Factory Act. 1948No. Pay/Tech-11/73 Date:- … [Read more...]
Decisions taken in the Joint Meeting of the three recognized Federations AIDEF, INDWF & BPMS
Decisions taken in the Joint Meeting of the three recognized Federations AIDEF, INDWF & BPMS Struggle Committee of Defence Civilian Employees to Save Defence Industry (A FORUM CONSISTING OF AIDEF, INDWF & BPMS RECOGNIZED FEDERATIONS OF … [Read more...]
Struggle Committee of Defence Civilian Employees to Save Defence Industry
Struggle Committee of Defence Civilian Employees to Save Defence Industry (A FORUM CONSISTING OF AIDEF, INDWF & BPMS RECOGNIZED FEDERATIONS OF TRADE UNIONS OF DEFENCE CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES) Ref. No : 02/AIDEF/INDWF/BPMS/18 Date : 05th January, … [Read more...]
Stoppage of Holiday Over-Time in Ordnance Factories
Stoppage of Holiday Over-Time in Ordnance Factories REF: BPMS / MOD / OFB / 186 (8/1/R) Dated: 19.08.2017 To Shri Arun Jaitley Ji., Hon’ ble Raksha Mantri Ji., Government of India Ministry of Defence, South Block, NEW DELHI – 110 011 Subject: … [Read more...]
Overtime Allowance as per 7th CPC for Defence Industrial Employees
Overtime Allowance as per 7th CPC for Defence Industrial Employees Payment of Overtime Allowance (OTA) as per revised pay to the employees of Defence Industrial Establishments under Factories Act, 1948 consequent to implementation of the 7th CPC … [Read more...]
CSD Canteen facility to Defence Family Pensioners – DDGCS letter issued on 10.3.2016
CSD Canteen facility to Defence Family Pensioners - DDGCS letter issued on 10.3.2016 Grant of Canteen Facilities to the Family Pensioners of Retired Defence Civilians: DDGCS letter Annexure-I Integrated HQ of MOD (Army) Quartermaster General's … [Read more...]