Outcome of National Anomaly Committee Meeting held on 29.5.2015 - Next NAC Meeting 9.6.2015 CONFEDERATION OF CENTRAL GOVT. EMPLOYEES & WORKERS 1st Floor, North Avenue PO Building, New Delhi – 110001 Website: WWW. Confederationhq.blogspot.com … [Read more...]
DOPT to hold a meeting of NC JCM meeting on 29.05.2015
DOPT to hold a meeting of NC JCM meeting on 29.05.2015 March to Parliament was held on 28.04.2015 and call of strike has been given by JCA on 23.11.2015 on the demands of central government employees. On the backdrop of the pressure mounted by … [Read more...]
National Anomaly Committee Meeting – Is it to be held just for an agenda of four items?
National Anomaly Committee Meeting – Is it to be held just for an agenda of four items? NFIR has confirmed in its official website through a DoPT order(O.M.No.11/1/2015-JCA, dated 12.5.2015) that a meeting of National anomaly committee would be held … [Read more...]
National Anomaly Committee Meeting will be held on 29.5.2015 – Dopt order with Agenda Points
National Anomaly Committee Meeting will be held on 29.5.2015 - Agenda Points NFIR published the order issued by the DoPT to convene a meeting of National Anomaly Committee on 29th May 2015 and also attached agenda points... No.11/1/2015-JCA … [Read more...]