Revised list of Kendriya Vidyalaya located in Hard Station as on November 2020 Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan18 Institutional Area,Shaheed Jeet Singh MargNew Delhi-1100161Tele. 011-26858570/26514179(Fax) F.11-19/2004-KVS(HQ)/Admn.-I/678 Date: … [Read more...]
KV Teachers taking online classes during the Lockdown Period
KV Teachers, Employees and Non-Teaching Staff contributed an amount of Rs. 10,40,60,536 towards the PM CARES Fund Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has taken various steps to contribute in the on-going fight against COVID-19 As on date, 80 Kendriya … [Read more...]
Latest List of KVS Hard Station List
KVS Hard Station Revised List PDF Download The Headquarters of Kendriya Vidyalaya has notified through an Office Memorandum on 4 March 2020 of the list of KVS hard and very hard stations in India. As per the decision taken in the meeting of the Board … [Read more...]
CGHS Benefits to Government Teachers
There is no proposal to extend the CGHS (Central Government Health Scheme) facility to the teachers teaching in Government Schools - Minister replies in Parliament A question was raised in Rajya Sabha on 10th December 2019 regarding the entitlement … [Read more...]