Cabinet accepts both two options for fixation of 7th CPC Revised Pension
7th CPC Recommended following Two options for fixation of Revised Pension.
1. Pay Scale on Retirement and Number of Increment Earned in the scale of Retiring Grade will be taken for fixation of Pension
In this method Pension will be fixed in the Pay Matrix on the basis of the Pay Band and Grade Pay at which they retired.
2. Using Multiplication Factor 2.57
Existing Basic Pension to be multiplied by 2.57.
When the NJCA met the Cabinet Secretary, they observed that Govt is not going to accept second option due to non-availability of Records to verify their Pay Level at the retiring stage.
Objections were raised by Pensioners Association to this move and they requested the government to retain both two options to avoid disparity between Pre 2016 and Post 2016 Pensioners.
The Central government in principle accepted the two options recommended for fixation of Revised Pension.
But to address the issues anticipated when implementation in process, govt decided to constitute a committee to examine the feasibility of using First Option for fixation of Pension. It said, if found feasible, it will be implemented.
The Committee has been given four months’ time to submit its report.
The govt decision on Pension related issues is given below
“The general recommendations of the Commission on pension and related benefits have been approved by the Cabinet. B
oth the options recommended by the Commission as regards pension revision have been accepted subject to feasibility of their implementation.
Revision of pension using the second option based on fitment factor of 2.57 shall be implemented immediately.
A Committee is being constituted to address the implementation issues anticipated in the first formulation.
The first formulation may be made applicable if its implementation is found feasible after examination by proposed Committee which is to submit its Report within 4 months.”
When it is very clear that both options 1 & 2 have been accepted by Govt. why my parent Factory i.e. Cordite Factory Aruvankadu 643202 failed to refix my pension in accordance with option 2 of 7thy CPC which is more beneficial to me since it provides credence to the increments I earned while in service as per concordant table as per chapter 10.1 .My pension is 61550 as per option 1 whereas my revised pension would be Rs 64800 as per concordant table having earned 3 increments while in service.My scale at retirement was 4500-5700 in which my basic pay was 4950 with 3 increments to my credit
After given more time but present govt had not rectify the pre-06 pensioners discrimination of fixation pension & not paid arrear those who are benifite ie lower gd pensioners they only paid higher official & in huss huss manner aceppted vii CPC partially .I could not understand their thoughts & committee form for lent hy prosses .
central pay commission bring in every 5year
It is seen from the media news that FinanceMinister &Home Minister have agreed to revise the Minimum pay and ratio in pay matrix after discussion with the union leaders on 30-6-2016.It is better if their decision is communicated at the earliest.
Why such a long time is required for this purpose .Non availability of the pensioners records is not the fault of the pensioners. It is already 8 months over since the submission the Pay commission report the Govt.Let the Govt act on humanitarion grounds/
Government accepted that pensioners can opt either option 1 or 2 mentioned in the 7 th cpc,which is beneficial to them.Those who will benefit by opting option 2 need not wait for another 4 months,till the proposed committee submits report.If the pension of those pensioners fixed now itself,there is no necessity to pay arrears and the work load of the committee will be considerably reduced.They can submit their report even before 4 months.
All these aspects and the views of the union/association may kindly be considered and arrange to issue orders.
In continuation of my comment made on 1-7-2016 at 7.o9 pmpublished above,i am to state that the pension of Rs.12,600/= mentioned is in the paybond 3 in the scale of pay of Rs.15,600-39,100 with grade pay of Rs.6,600/=Corresponding pay matrix in the 7 th cpc is in column 11 of PB 3as Rs.67,700/=
50%of that is Rs.33,850/=There may be so many cases in all pay bonds as I mentioned in my comment ie. retired without earning even one increment in the grade from which they retired.Most of the pensioners are being promoted at their fag end of service.They will retire before completing one year servicein their grade.Very few cases will be there earning increment more than one.The proposed committee can omit the names who opted option 1 from their purview.Thus their work will be considerably reduced.MINISTRY may kindly consider and take suitable action.
cabinet has decided ,that pending examination of 7 pay Commn recommendation relating to implementation of determining revised pension by applying matrix table ,.to adopt the other formula of determining revised pension by using a multiple of 2.57 over the basic pension. this is ok . It is however suggested that such pension so determined should not be less than 50%of the minimum of the corresponding pay level in 7 pay commission This would ensure that it may not be necessary to revise cases of pensioners who had retired on the minimum of the scale they were holding at the time of retirement
pensioners who had not earned a single increment in their retired post and option 1 is beneficial to them ,they be allowed to opt option 1 without waiting 4 months till the proposed committee submit their report.An illustration is given below=Pensioner drawing basic pension of Rs.12,600/-will get revised pension of Rs.32,382/=,if his pension multiplied by 2.57 i.e.option (2)Since he had not earned any increment in his retired post,his pension will be Rs.33,850/=i.e 50%of Rs.67,700/=He has to draw less pension of Rs.1,468/= (33,850-32,382) till the committee submit report.Hence it is suggested that those who are beneficial by opting option 1 be allowed to submit their option to the concerned branch of the bank by 20-07-2016 and that option be final.This system will reduce considerable work and those pensioners will also benefit.FINANCE MINISTRY may kindly consider and arrange to issue orders with the Notification to be issued for implementation of 7 th cpc recommendations.
Of course the cabinet decision approving both the options on pension recommendation is welcome. But ,where is the need to refer the issue to a committee as to the feasibility of option I ?The CPC recommendation is crystal clear and without any ambiguity . Either it has to be accepted or rejected. The procedure followed by cabinet gives rise to suspicion that instead of rejecting outright and inviting the wrath of the pensioners, they chose a safer route of getting rejected through the committee. So we have to wait for 4 more months to hear the sad news of rejection of Option I on the grounds of non-feasibility.