Annual validation of ECHS membership of Dependents by submission of Life Certificate and eligibility documents by primary beneficiaries
Central Organisation ECHS
Adjutant General’s Branch
Integrated Headquarters of MoD (Army), Thimayya Marg,
Near Gopinath Circle, Delhi Cantt- 110 010
B/49711-NSC/AG/ECHS/Gen Corr.
26 Oct 2022
1. Please refer the following:-
(a) Central Organisation letter No B/49711-NSC/AG/ECHS/Gen Corr dated 06 Jul 2022.
(b) Central Organisation letter No B/497171-NSC/AG/ECHS dated 27 Jul 2022.
2. A detailed procedure on Annual Validation of ECHS Membership of Dependents (excluding spouse) above 18 years of age was promulgated vide letter under reference. Based on the inputs received from the environment, few additional features including change in timelines have been incorporated to the software, so as to provide adequate time to beneficiaries to obtain and upload the requisite documents. The details are given in the succeeding paragraphs.
3. Already Rejected Cases. All beneficiaries whose eligibility has been rejected by the respective OIC Parent Polyclinic, based on the Form 26AS/ITR/other uploaded documents, will get one more online opportunity to apply for review with respective Director Regional Centre. In such cases, the ESM/Primary Beneficiary will receive an interactive window for rejected cases to upload fresh Form 26AS/ITR/other authorized documents, which, once uploaded will be directly visible to the concerned Director Regional Centre for review. Incase the uploaded documents meet the eligibility criteria, the Director Regional Centre will approve or reject the application. Incase of rejection, the 64 KB ECHS Card of the concerned dependent will be blocked from the date of completion of one year or date of rejection or effective date whichever is later.
4, Cases Pending Approval By OIC Parent Polyclinic. The OIC Polyclinics will get three options as mentioned below in respect of all primary beneficiaries who have uploaded the documents for validation and are pending for decision with OIC: –
(a) Approval. OIC Parent Polyclinic will check the uploaded documents and if satisfied, will click on ‘Approved Tab’ to approve the eligibility to extend the validity for another one year, from the date when 64 KB ECHS Card was due for Annual Validation.
(b) Reverted with Observation. In case, the OIC Parent Polyclinic ascertains – that the documents uploaded are incorrect, then by using Tab ‘Revert with Observation’, the eligibility validation is reverted with an option to the ESM/Primary beneficiary to re-submit the correct documents. In such cases, the ESM/Primary Beneficiary will re-submit the required documents and the same will be visible to Director Regional Centre once uploaded. If the required documents are submitted before the date by which the card is to be blocked, the card will remain functional/active till the documents are reviewed by Director Regional Centre. In case the required documents are not submitted before the date by which the card is to be blocked, the card will get blocked as per the date by which the card is scheduled to be blocked. Once the documents are submitted and if approved, the card will become active and if rejected will be blocked.
(c) Rejected and Forwarded to Dir Regional Centre. Once the OIC Parent Polyclinic is satisfied that the uploaded documents are incorrect and ascertains that the dependent beneficiary does not meet the eligibility criteria, then OIC Polyclinic to use Tab ‘Rejected and Forwarded for Review to Dir Regional Centre’ and forward the same for review/rejection to Dir Regional Centre.
Thereafter, the application will be visible to respective Director Regional Centre for first review. Based on the uploaded documents, the Dir Regional Centre will either approve or reject the verification of documents. If it is rejected by the Dir Regional Centre, the card will get blocked.
5. Blocking of ECHS Cards. ECHS cards will be blocked on the date by which the annual validation was due, once it is rejected by OIC Parent Polyclinic. However, the ECHS Cards will be unblocked in case the Dir Regional Centre approves the application in the first review as given at Para 4 (c) above.
6. Beneficiary with New PAN Card. As per the feedback received from the environment, few ESM/Primary beneficiaries are unable to obtain the Income Certificate from the State Revenue Department and have now processed the applications for the preparation of their PAN Cards. However, in such cases, as the PAN Card is new, the Form 26AS generated will be from the date when the PAN Card is prepared. Hence, the following two documents will be uploaded in the following sequence:-
(a) Self attested copy of PAN Card duly certifying date of preparation of PAN Card.
(b) Self-attested Form 26AS, generated for the new PAN Card for the current financial year.
7. The above will also be applicable to all dependents who have attained age of 18 years and above, on or after 01 Jan 2020.
8. The OIC Parent Polyclinic or Director Regional Centre will approve/reject the ECHS membership based on eligibility as per above mentioned documents.
9. Date of Implementation. The new upgraded software will be made live by 31 Oct 2022. To facilitate all pending cases to upload and apply for annual validation, the blocking of ineligible cards will now be undertaken with effect from 01 Jan 2023.
10. It is requested that the contents of this letter to be disseminated in the environment for information of all the ECHS beneficiaries. All Regional Centres will ensure that all Polyclinics under their jurisdiction are informed on Top Priority.
(Anupam Agarwal)
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