Demands on 11th BPS
11th Bipartite Common Charter of Demands – AIBEA
CIRCULAR No. 28/4/2017/4
Dear Comrades,
Charter of Demands for 11th BP Settlement submitted to IBA
Our units and members are aware that the period of our current 10th Bipartite Settlement would come to an end by October, 2017 and a revised Settlement (11th Bipartite Settlement) has to be worked out to be effective from November, 2017. In order to negotiate and settle the 11th BPS, we need to submit our Charter of Demands.
Accordingly, the issue was discussed amongst our five workman Unions viz. AIBEA, NCBE, BEFI, INBEF, and NOBW and a broad summary of the Charter of Demands has been finalised.
Shortly, our 5 unions will meet and a full-fledged Charter of Demands containing the details of each of the demand would be finalized. In the meantime, we have submitted the Broad Summary of the Demands to the IBA today.
The demands submitted to the IBA are furnished herein for the information of all our units and members.
With greetings,
Yours comradely,
1. Revision and improvement in Pay Scales by merger of Dearness Allowance upto October, 2017 and with additional loading thereon.
2. Merging Special Allowance with Basic pay.
3. Improvements in Special Pay, PQP, FPP and Stagnation Increment
4. Revised DA formula and improvement in compensation against price rise.
5. Provision of housing accommodation/quarters for all clerical and substaff and payment of HRA on the lines of officers.
6. Introduction of Education Allowance
7. Substantial increase in Transport Allowance /reimbursement of petrol cost
8. Improvements in leave benefits and LFC entitlement; Introduction of Leave Bank system.
9. Increase in Annual Medical Aid and review for improvements in medical insurance scheme . Unilateral changes in the scheme to be withdrawn. The rate of medical Insurance after retirement to be discussed with the unions before renewal.
10. Bonus for all employees without any ceiling
11. Removal of ceiling on Gratuity under the Gratuity Act.
12. Total exemption from Income tax on entire retirement benefits including Leave Encashment.
13. DA linked defined and assured pension scheme in lieu of NPS
14. Introduction of 5 Day banking service in the remaining weeks of the month apart from 2nd. And 4th. Week.
15. Improvement in Special Area Allowance and special compensatory provisions for North East, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir
16. Regular banking jobs and services not to be outsourced and all existing contract employees to be regularized and absorbed
17. Adequate recruitment of clerical and substaff in all Banks
18. Implementation of Supreme Court order on equal wage for equal work for existing temporary and contract employees till the vacancies are filled up by regular employees.
19. Proper implementation of compassionate ground appointment scheme . The clause of 5% quota in respect of total recruitment to be deleted.
20. All part time employees to be converted as full time employees
21. Improvement in Other Allowances and other service conditions like Diem Allowance/Halting allowance, hotel rent reimbursement, Project Area Allowance, etc.
22. Deletion of Para 522(1) of Sastry Award
23. Disciplinary Action Settlement – review of certain provisions like Clause 5 (j) which are being misused.
24. Better compensation on transfer of employees on deployment policy
25. Restoration of BSRB
26. Intra-cadre career progression scheme for Award staff.
27. Improvement in pension scheme on the lines of Government scheme on rate of pension, periodical updation, family pension, same DA for pre 2002 Nov. retirees, etc.
28. Revision in Ex Gratia Pension for pre-1986 non SBI retirees.
29. Follow up of the issues covered by Record Note dated 25-5-2015
30. Extension of medical scheme and LFC to retirees as in the case of in service employees
31. Uniform guidelines on quantum and rate of interest on staff loans
32. Improved housing loan to staff at nominal interest
33. Allocation of fund Staff Welfare Schemes based on Operating profits and setting apart a portion of it for schemes for retirees
34. Improvement in guidelines in relation to physically challenged/ differently abled employees
35. Special provisions for women employees on the lines of 7th Pay Commission recommendations.
36. Uniform guidelines on fitment for Ex-servicemen joining the Banks.
37. Improvement in remuneration of Daily Deposit Collectors
38. Parity in wages and service conditions for RRB employees.
39. Internal and external relativity to be maintained.
40. Settlement to be effective from 1-11-2017 for next three years.
11th Bipartite Charter of Demands
The 11th Bipartite Charter of Demands submitted by AIBOC, AIBOA, INBOC and NOBO to Indian Bank Association
The Basic principle of our wage revision should be based on the Constitution of India which begins as, “WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens: JUSTICE, SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL; LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; EQUALITY of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation; IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY
this twenty-sixth day of November, 1949, do HEREBY ADOPT, ENACT AND GIVE TO OURSELVES THIS CONSTITUTION.”
Salary and Allowances
The remuneration package of the Bank officers needs to be framed in such a manner that officers would feel that they are valued and fairly paid considering their work load and undertaking of enormous risks and responsibilities. They should be treated at par with Government officials and PSU officers. As stated in the 7 Pay Commission Report the status of an officer in the society should also be taken into account while fixing the salary.
Remuneration of officers is an important element of proactive functioning in Banks in this era of competitive scrimmage and their commitment, dedication and hard labour towards the progress of the economy of the country. In general, the level and structure of salary / remuneration / compensation should aim to achieve four objectives as under:
(i) Salary Structure should be sufficient to attract and retain quality officers.
(ii) Salary Structure should motivate officers to work hard.
(iii) Remuneration should induce other human resource management reforms.
(iv) Salary should be set at a level to ensure relativity with minimum salary in Banks and officers’ initial pay in line with compression ratio, as shown below, of Central Government Group A officers’ initial pay and their minimum pay of Group D employees.
(v) Salary should take into account the Risk, Responsibility, Accountability and also the Transferability of Officers.
(vi) The Bank Officers have a status similar to the Govt Officials and to maintain that status the salary should be adequate, by offering additional cushion.
(vii) As promotions depend only on vacancies which depends on the presence and business of the individual banks nobody should be allowed to stagnate and running scale should be introduced.
(viii) The anguish, agony and the aspirations of lady officers should be taken into account
(ix) Superannuation benefits should help one to live a respectable life after retirement
(x) The hardwork and contribution of the bankers for the development of the economy should be acknowledged through decent salary hike and allowances.
Table: 1
Compression ratio of minimum Basic Pay of Group D employees and Group A officers under different Pay Commissions of Central Government
A*=Central Pay Commission, B*=Minimum Basic Pay (Group D) Rs, C*=Minimum Basic Pay of Officer Grade (Group A) Rs., D*=Compression Ratio
A* | B* | C* | D* |
III CPC (1973 to 1985) | 196 | 700 | 1: 3.57 |
IV CPC (1986 to 1995) | 750 | 2200 | 1: 2.93 |
V CPC (1996 to 2005) | 2550 | 8000 | 1: 3.13 |
VI CPC(2006 to 2015) | 7000 (Band Pay 5200 + Grade Pay 1800) | 21000 (Band Pay 15600 + Grade Pay 5400) | 1: 3 |
VII CPC(2016 onwards) | 18000 | 56100 | 1: 3.11 |
Table: 2
Compression ratio of minimum Basic Pay of Sub-Staff and Officer Grade under different Bi-partite Settlements in Banks
A*=Bi-partite Settlements, B*=Minimum Basic Pay (Sub-Staff) Rs., C*=Minimum Basic Pay of Officer Grade Rs., D*=Compression Ratio
A* | B* | C* | D* |
2nd Bipartite (01.01.1970) | 116 | 500 (01.01.1970) | 1: 4.31 |
3rd Bipartite (01.09.1978) | 245 | 700 (01.10.1979) | 1: 2.85 |
4th Bipartite (01.07.1983) | 430 | 1175 (01.02.1984) | 1: 2.73 |
5th Bipartite (01.11.1987) | 815 | 2100 (01.11.1987) | 1: 2.57 |
6th Bipartite (01.11.1992) | 1600 | 4250 (01.11.1992) | 1: 2.65 |
7th Bipartite (01.11.1997) | 2570 | 7100 (01.11.1997) | 1: 2.76 |
8th Bipartite (01.11.2002) | 4060 | 10000 (01.11.2002) | 1: 2.46 |
9th Bipartite (01.11.2007) | 5500 | 14500 (01.11.2007) | 1: 2.63 |
9th Bipartite (01.05.2010) | 5850 | 14500 | 1: 2.47 |
10th Bipartite (01.11.2012) | 9560 | 23700 (01.11.2012) | 1: 2.47 |
Baburaj V V Armd Guard , SBI, Kasaragod
Please re-fix salary in respect of Guards/ESM in the basis of OROP approved by Govt. of India enable to rectified the much deference in salary among the guards / ESMs staff still paying due to the fitment factor.
Sir please pension system should be applied for employees who have joined on or after 2010
Sir medical Bill 2200 Rs to 10000 Rs par year
Carical / sub staff revised officers 8000 Rs to 15000 Rs revised in Bipartite stalment 2017 .
Ra jesh Kumar ,,Haryana Sonepat
Sir uniforms Rate Revaes karvana ji 350 rs m drass nhi banti 700 Rs to Tailor Lete h
after suspension the charge not proof that staff will be posted another region
those staff should be reback
Please convert full time salary is very low
I am Part Time Employers (PTS) .Our Payscale is very Low. Why 1/3 ,1/4,1/2 & Full.I am Bank Staff .please provide to all part Time Employers to be converted Full Time Employers improvement &increase of Salary.