Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID 19 – Principal Controller of Accounts (Ordnance Factories) Kolkata
Important Circular
Office of Principal Controller of Accounts (Fys)
10-A, S.K.Bose Road, Kolkata – 700 001
No. 2337AM-I/Vol-IX
Date: 17.04.2020
1. All Controllers of Finance & Accounts (Fys)
2. All Br. Accounts Offices
3. The Officers in Charge
(All Sections in Main Office including Railway Section)
4. RTC (ER) Kolkata.
Subj«t: Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID 19.
Reference: HQrs Office Circular bearing No. AN/III/3012/Circular/Vol.VIII dated 16.04.2020.
Also check: Order to Open Central Govt Offices from 20 April 2020
Please refer to HQrs Office Circular cited above available on CGDA website, enclosing the Ministry or Defence office Order No. A-50024/01/2020-D(Estt.I/Gp.I] dated 15.04.2020, issued on the subject. The instructions contained therein regarding Opening of offices under Department of Defence (including Derence Finance) without any restriction during the lockdown w.e.f. 20th April, 2020, may be complied with strictly by all concerned.
This issues with the approval Of PC Of A (FYS),
Click to view the PCAFys order
Also check: Attending Office in Places Where Lockdown is Declared Due to COVID 19 Pandemic – Confederation
Ghanshyam Mandal says
Respected sir
I have submitted a LTC RS 22640/ VIDE INS ANGRE LETTER 409/7/4 dated 22 Apr 21 to PCA (FYS) KOLKATA through speed post on 29 Apr 21.
Request for the following:-
A. status of above said LTC
B. contact details of PCA office for further communication
Ghanshyam Mandal
Chief petty officer
Indian Navy