Implementation of OROP – Some model Calculations
FAQs on Implementation of OROP vide Govt. Order dated 17.01.2013
Some model Calculations are done here
Case – I
Name of Pensioner | J.S. Bala |
Name of Bank | SBI Chandigarh |
Existing Pension | 26050/- ( Circular No. 397 ) |
Rank | Colonel |
Qualifying Service | 26 Years 05 Months |
Date of Commencement | 07/06/1990 |
Being a commissioned officer of Regular Army, the revision is to be done as per Annexure –A (table No 1) annexed to PCDA (P) Circular No 500. Look in relevant column for the rank and relevant row for qualifying service. The revised pension w.e.f. 24.9.2012 comes out to 27795/- P.M.
Case – II
Name of Pensioner | Smt. Amarjit Kaur |
Name of Bank | SBI Mohali |
Existing Pension | 8679/- ( Circular No. 397 ) |
Rank | Major |
Date of Commencement | 19/07/1990 |
Being the family of a commissioned officer of Army, the revision is to be done as per annexure –A (table No -2) annexed to PCDA (P) Circular No 500. The revised pension w.e.f. 24.9.2012 comes out to 10923/- p.m.
Case – III
Name of Pensioner | Sukhvinder Singh |
Name of Bank | SBI Ropar |
Existing Pension | 13500/- ( Circular No. 397 ) |
Rank | MWO-Hony.Flying Officer |
Qualifying Service | 34 Years |
Date of Commencement | 01/01/1985 |
Date of Birth | 08/12/1929 |
The existing pension of the pensioner is not in order. Firstly, it needs to be raised to 13590/- from 13500/- P.M. wef 01/07/2009 as per PCDA (P) Circular No 482 dt 19/04/02012. Then look for revised pension for the Rank and QS in Table -20 (Air Force) annexed to Circular NO 501. The revised pension should be 15465/- wef 24/09/12.
Moreover, as the pensioner is more than 80 years old, he is also entitled to additional pension corresponding to revised pension.
I’m Ex PO ACP I retired in 2010 after 20.1 yrs of service. My pension is 8825.00
Plz inform me my revised orop pension
I am retired from Army as Subedar (in group Y) on 01 Sep 2014 after completion of 30 Yrs service. What is my revised Basic Pension in OROR/7th CPC. Pl tell me.
person retired from IAF as a Sergeant (group Y) on 30 Sep 1999 after 21 years 7 month 5days of service. what will be his basic pension. kindly help. thanks.
My basic pension is 11970 grade pay 4600. Please tell me what will be pension after 7CPC
My basic pension is 10029 grade pay 4200 with 40℅ disability. Pls tell me what will be my pension after 7 CPC.
If Sub Maj drawing all the entitlements as per the 6th CPC when he got
honorary promotion as Lt or Capt. It is not understood why there is lot of difference in pension of regular capt & hony capt. Please clarify the same.
Respected Sir,
I took premature retirement from 01 April 2001 from the army (Artillery) after completion of 18 years 4 month as a Havildar in ‘Y ‘group and presently I getting Basic pension Rs 6108/- per month. and DA Rs 7269/- per month. So now implementation of OROP how much pension I would get from 01 July 2014. please kindly your reply on my email.
Thanking you Sir,
I served 18 years of regular service in group Y Draughts aman class I trade in Army(MEG) what would be my pension in jan per new orop fixation
Sir…whatever the pension is foxed for rated personal…it’s a protection for him and family. a read per means age is nearby 60. But jawan is 33 years age on words… so young pension makes him dim and slow for future life better please in the place of employment him he need not waiting for pre 2006 arrears and orop arrears it’s a pain full issue for our respected financing ministers ..govt should lookafter this matter a reted people never ask more pension but young reted people needs more and he demands govt so ple provide jobs for soft and lovely future…or give as he can stay in business to grow support a big loans not below one lakh minimum five to twenty five lakhs by the help of I card which is issued by our grate govt..its use is only to get the liqueur bottles and soaps… no if a person retd means he spends more and more valuable golden time for nationwide as a sepy jawan please give value to I card…it’s must use us as safe guard for garunted life to a reted people…thanks to all ex people thouse who participated for orop winners your’s welwishers…wish us on. 7032940181 m a khan ex hav signal 16 y service under med cat cee retd if any bobdy knows me ple call…
I served 15 years of regular service in group I technical trade in IAF what would be my pension in jan per new orop fixation
I have retired from the Army as Hav gp B on 5 Jan 1980 with Rs 175 basic pension and now drawing pension of Rs 5531 from 24.9.2012. Kindly enlighten me the pension in the OROP.
Sir,My basic pay 12099pm with out DA . Now OROP what is My basic pension.27/07/08days service in Gp(y) Arty
Sir, i retired on 1st Jan. 2001 as Nb/Sub. My basic pension is Rs.10001+ DA. What will be my revised pension after implementation of OROP & also what could be my Pension after implementation of 7th pay commission?
Sir, i am join army june 1985 and normal retair with disability 30% on 31 st july 2002=17 yrs 22days completion of service with rank TS NK , Now i have drow from bank rs 1053 w/o da but i not know the efected date of above element and how mach pension drow per month calculate and send reply please. Thanks Madan Mohan Bhattacharya
Respected Sir,
From the projected table of one rank one pension of PBOR/Offrs that there is vast variation in pension of Hony Lt/Capt at par with the regular offrs whereas pay and allces at par with regular officers as per CPC VI. May I request you to kindly let me know the revision done in OROP as per notification.
Retired after 26 yrs and 25 days gp Y , Wanted to know the basic pension after implementation of OROP.
Sir, army havaldar 16years. Date of expiry. 1june1988, my basic pension 5,531 please sir reply me orop basic pension kya hogi.
I joined Army on28 Feb 1975 and retired after completing 16 yes service retirFeb1on Feb 1992 let me know the arrear figure as well as new pension
I did retire from IAF after 15yrs 15 days of service. My date of enrolement in IAF is 17-08-1974 and date of discharge 31-08-1989.please tell me sir am I eligible to get pre 2006 pension arrers and how much also what will be orop pension and arrears.thanks sir.
I retired after 15 years of service on 30 Apr 89 as hav what will be new basic
Jaihind Sir
I got vrs after a serice of 24 yrs 3 months in a caparity of subs Hav.Will u pl make me known about the new pension.
sir I retired fm army after 26yrs service with rank nb sub.31 july 2010. what will be new pension after orop.?
sir i am join army 6 feb 1980 and normal retired 1.3.1997=17yearsand 22days With Rank Ex. my orop arear and how much pention draw per month culculate &send reply please
Premature retirement with 5 yrs 10 months on disability on 13.07.86 Service element is Rs 3500/ No disability element since it was less than 20% during RSMB. Kindly advice my revised pension on OROP.
I hve served 16 years 1 month in army and getting pension of NK due to 9 month service in that rank
Sir , pse let me know how many pension will in orop and arrs also will get me ?
Pse inform me I will ever thankful to U sir .
I am retarded from Indian army 31.12.2011 ts ramesh rana disability 20 % service 17 years dob 20.5.1975 after orop my pension how much please send me
I am pre 2006 retire my bank has not paid me arrear yet from 01/01/2006 where to complain
Govt ordered to pay arrear for pre 2006 pensioners as per circular 547 &549 but pension distribution banks are not bother for the payment what is action fo them
Date of birth 1.6.1951
date of enrolment 07 june 1976
date of discharge 01 sep 1987
Totol colour service ii yrs 86 days
medical Cat “EEE” 50%present service element Rs.4346/-
disability element Rs.1755
Kindly inform approximate service element and disability element
Retired on 31 dec 1979 as hav group B after 17 yrs 5 months basic pnsion is let me know my basic pension and da on impingement of OROP.
Dinesh singh says november 8, 2015 at 4.45pm Name Dinesh singh . Rank Hav DOB-21/05/1975 DOJ-27/10/1992 DOR-31/07/2008 pension basic-6810 Please intimate my pension after sanction of OROP
Pls multiply your present basic pay without DA by 3 and can extend to 4 also. If present basic pay is 8000 then new basic can be 24000 to 32000 but without DA as 125% DA will get merged. Note you will get stagnation increment of 5% also on new basic pay arrived at.
I am ex navy and i am needy for the pension so please implement orop after aproval of orop.
i quit my job due to expire of engagment of 15years.
DOB – 25/09/1967
DOJ -10/08/1984
DOR -01/09/2001
DOB : 04 AUG 1968
DOJ : 29 JUN 1991
DOR : 01 AUG 2007
BASIC PAY : Rs 6785/-
Please intimate my pension after sanction of OROP.