Check The Monthly Salary of Your Pay Level and Basic Pay | After Dearness Allowance Revised 46%
Are you curious to find out your monthly salary after the revision of the Dearness Allowance from 42% to 46%?
If so, please read on!
We have developed a user-friendly online tool that allows you to effortlessly calculate the monthly salary for Central Government Employees across four different pay categories.
Central Government employees are spread across various locations, ranging from bustling metropolises to remote villages. It is essential for every employee to receive their entitled House Rent Allowance and Transport Allowance.
Here’s how you can utilize our calculator:
1. Begin by selecting your pay matrix level and basic pay from the drop-down menu.
2. Once done, simply click the Calculate button.
Our tool classifies the pay structure into four categories, accounting for both the House Rent Allowance (HRA) and Transport Allowance (TA).
HRA is categorized into three segments: X, Y, and Z cities. Similarly, TA is divided into two segments:
Higher TPTA Cities and Other Cities.Upon selecting your pay matrix level and basic salary, the tool will display four different pay structures tailored to your needs:
1. X Class Cities for HRA with Higher TPTA Cities for TA
2. Y Class Cities for HRA with Higher TPTA Cities for TA
3. Y Class Cities for HRA with Higher Other Cities for TA
4. Z Class Cities for HRA with Higher Other Cities for TA
Additionally, the calculator tool provides a list of classified city names at the bottom, corresponding to each category of the pay structure.
Click here to Calculate Your Monthly Salary
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