BPMS comments on 7th CPC recommendations related to Central Government Employees
REF: BPMS / OFB / 7th CPC / 251 (8/2/M)
Dated: 09.12.2015
The Secretary,
Govt of India, Min of Defence,
South Block, DHQ PO,
New Delhi – 110011.
Kind Attn.: Shri Gurdeep Singh, US (D/Civ-I), MoD
Subject: Views/Comments of BPMS on the recommendations of 7th CPC.
Reference: Your letter No. 11(4)/2015-D(CIV-I), Dated 04.12.2015
Respected Sir,
With due regards, it is submitted that this federation has gone through the recommendations of 7th CPC and found that the recommendations are very disappointing.
It appears that the 7th CPC has not considered the genuine demands of the Government employees including Civilians in Min of Defence in correct perspective.
Report of 7th Central Pay Commission has led the Group ‘C’ employees in huge discontentment because 5th CPC and 6th CPC had already granted less financial benefit to the incumbents of Group ‘C’ in comparison to Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’. Group ‘C’ employees were very much hopeful that this Pay Commission would do something better for them but non-fulfillment of their hope by 7th CPC has led Group C employees in discontentment.
A few points are being put before Ministry of Defence with an expectation that it will do justice to Group ‘C’ employees.
The points are as under-
1. The ratio of minimum and maximum pay (Secretary level, not Cabinet Secretary) was 1:10.66 in 4th CPC. Further it was 1:10.19 in 5th CPC and 1:11.42 in 6th CPC. 7th CPC has extended it to 1:12.5 whereas it had been recommended in previous Pay Commissions the ratio of minimum and maximum pay should not exceed 1:8.
The pay scale of officers of Secretary level has been recommended Rs 2,25,000/- and minimum pay has been recommended Rs18,000/-. You are requested to reduce this wide gap by enhancing the minimum pay to Rs 24,000/- from the proposed Rs. 18000/-
2. 6th CPC had granted more benefit to Group A and Group B officers as it had merged the Pay Scale of (5000-8000) and (5500-9000) and upgraded to Rs (6500-10500) and the pay scale of Rs. (6500-10500) and (7450-11500) had been merged, whereas none of the Pay Scales of Group C had been merged nor upgraded.
It was expected to 7th CPC that it would grant some relief by merging and upgrading the Pay Scale of Group ‘C’ employees. But it did not happen. Educational qualification has been raised with respect to Pay Scale of Group C employees but Pay Scales have not been upgraded.
You are requested to grant new Pay Scale of 7th CPC related to Grade Pay 2400/- by merging Grade Pay 1900 and Grade Pay 2000 and upgrading these scales to 2400/- so that Lower Division Clerks, Store Keepers, Skilled Industrial Employees, Firemen etc. may get justice. Further, new pay scale of 7th CPC related to GP 2800/- should be granted to the incumbents (like UDC, Stenographers etc.) by upgrading Grade Pay 2400/- to Grade Pay 2800/- to get justice.
3. Fitment Formula:- This CPC also applied higher Multiplying Factor of 2.72 & 2.81 for higher authorities like PB-4 whereas this has been fixed as 2.57 for PB-1 & 2.62 for PB-2. There must be uniformity in the Multiplying Factor. Further, to achieve the enhanced Minimum Pay Rs. 24000/- the Fitment formula for PB-1 & 2 should be fixed at 3.42 in place of 2.57.
4. Annual increment has been recommended 3% again, it should be enhanced to 5%. Employees are not getting their annual increment even after completing 12 months because 6th CPC has fixed July month for annual increment for all employees.
They get their annual increment between 13 months and 17 months. This anomaly should be removed. The employee must be granted his annual increment just after completing 12 months from the enrollment date.
5. Modified Assured Career Progression:- 5th CPC had recommended for two financial up-gradation in the promotional hierarchy on completion service of 12 years and 24 years respectively that had been implemented by the Government from the dated: 09/08/1999. But 6th CPC had recommended for 3 financial upgradations in next Grade Pay after completing 10, 20 and 30 years of service respectively.
Government granted these up-gradations in next Grade Pay in place of next Promotional Grade Pay and reduced the benefit given by the earlier government. Therefore, you are requested to issue necessary directives to implement MACP for granting next Promotional Pay Scale in place of immediate next level in the hierarchy.
Further, 5 financial upgradations under the MACP Scheme should be granted in place of 3 upgradations within service of 30 years. 07th CPC has upgraded the benchmark of Very Good in place of Good for grant of MACP which is not acceptable, hence, it should be retained Good.
6. Allowances: – 7th CPC has recommended for abolishing 52 Allowances. To abolish Washing Allowance & Risk Allowance, Family Planning Allowance is very unfortunate. Risk Allowance covers those situations where the risk is inherent and continuous in the occupation itself with adverse effect on the health.
Risk Allowance is presently given to employees engaged in hazardous duties or whose work will have deleterious effect on health over a period of time.
Risk Allowance is also paid to Sweepers and Safaiwalas engaged in cleaning of underground drains, sewer lines as well as to the employees working in trenching grounds and infectious diseases hospitals.
Washing Allowance is paid to all common categories of Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ employees who have been supplied with uniform as per DoP&T letter no. 14/3/2008-JCA dated 11.09.2008 at the rate of Rs. 60/- per month, on the other hand Industrial Employees are eligible for washing allowance @ Rs. 16/- per month for washing of liveries.
Family Planning Allowance (FPA) is granted to Central Government employees as an encouragement to adhere to small family norms. The existing rates are Rs. 210/- to 500/- per month for Group ‘C’ & ‘B’ employees. You are requested to continue these allowances.
House Rent Allowance: – Sir, in present there has been a steep hike in the rent of house. Minimum rent of two rooms flat/house falls between Rs 20000/-and 40000/- in metropolitan city and it falls between 10000 and 15000 in group A cities.
In such a situation reducing the rate of HRA does not justify. It should be enhanced to 15%, 25% and 35% from 8%, 16% and 24% respectively.
7. National Pension System: – Keeping social security of employees in mind Pension and Gratuity were granted after retirement which has been replaced by Contributory Pension Scheme (NPS) since January 2004. It has created a scenario of uncertainty.
Even 7th CPC did not recommend anything on the matter. This federation has been demanding to scrap this NPS. Otherwise Govt of India should guarantee that none of the NPS holder would get the pension less than 50% of his last pay.
8. Fixation of Pay on Promotion: – Recommendation of one increment of 3% on Promotion cannot be justified. At least two increments should be granted on Promotion.
9. Abolishment of Interest Free Advances:- In Para 9.1.4 the 07th CPC has stated that the amount of interest free advances is quite low, hence, all the interest free advances, mentioned below, should be abolished:-
(i) Bicycle Advance,
(ii) Warm Clothing Advance,
(iii) Advance of pay on transfer,
(iv) Advance of TA on Tour/Transfer/Retirement,
(v) Advance of TA to the family of a deceased Govt employee,
(vi) Advance of leave salary,
(vii) Advance in connection with Medical treatment,
(viii) Festival Advance,
(ix) Advance of LTC,
(x) Advance in the event of Natural Calamity like, flood, cyclone,
(xi) Advance for training in Hindi and
(xii) Advance for Law Suits.
India is a country of diversities. Considering the importance of festival Government has granted the facility of Festival Advance which is recovered within a year in easy installments. But the recommendation of abolishing Festival Advance has hurt the feelings of employees very much.
How 7th CPC has concluded that advance for Medical Expenses, LTC, TA on tour/transfer/death of employee is a low amount or interest free advance or advance in case of natural calamity is unjustified cannot be understood.
In this regard, entire recommendation of 07th CPC should not be given cognizance and even the amount of the some of the interest free advances like Festival, Warm Clothing, and Natural Calamity etc. should be enhanced appropriately.
10.Overtime Allowance to the employees posted in Offices is being paid at slab rate @Rs. 12/- per hour on the recommendation of 4th CPC. It is matter of great concern that 5th CPC & 6th CPC had not enhanced the rate and now this 7th CPC recommends for 50% hike in the OTA. This is a exploitation of the duty bound Govt Employees.
11. This CPC has not reduced the period of restoration of commuted portion of pension from 15 yrs to 12 yrs.
12. 7th CPC sympathetically considered the problems of single male parent so extended the benefit at par with female employee. But on the other hand it has recommended that 1st 365 days of CCL will be paid at 100% and 2nd 365 days CCL will be paid at the rate of 80% which will cause great discontentment amongst the female employees.
13. Highly Skilled Direct Recruited – In Corps of EME, Air HQ, Naval HQ of Ministry of Defence there are sufficient number of the workers who have been recruited directly as Highly Skilled (earlier it was HS-I, prior to merger of HS-II & HS-I) and their line of promotion was Chargeman on completion of 10 years of service.
But now a days, their line of promotion is too long after introduction of bifurcation system from HS to HS-I & HS-II and Master Craftsman in hierarchy for Chargeman, which is not correct and adversely affecting to their morale. It is mentionable here that the entry qualification has been enhanced to B.Sc. with Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics due to functional requirement and technical advancements.
It is also mentionable that the cadre is available only in the Corps of EME. Hence it is requested that directly recruited as HS again be appoint as HS-I and their first promotion should be Chargeman as was existed earlier.
14. Technical Pay to Defence Civilians :- Since defence civilian employees (Technical) are engaged in Refitting/Repair/ Modernization/upgradation of machinery /equipments / weapons as well structural maintenance and upgradation of warships/submarines, handling, repairs, preparations, modernization / upgradations of various types of sophisticated missiles and torpedoes are also being carried out by civilian employees of Navy, Air Force & EME.
Technical Allowances (Airworthiness Certificate Allowance / Flight Charge Certificate Allowance / Aeronautical Technical Allowance / Submarine Allowance, Sea/Field Trial Allowance) are given to combatants in Army, Navy, Air Force etc. and denied to Civilians deployed on similar type of Jobs. Hence it is proposed that this allowance be given to Civilians at par with Combatants.
On the recommendations of the 06th CPC, Govt of India has sanctioned Technical Pay at the following rates for the uniform personnel:-
Airworthiness Certificate Allowance : Rs. 225 to 400/- per month
Aeronautical Allowance : Rs. 300/- per month
Flight Charge Certificate Allowance : Rs. 375 to 600/- per month
Submarine Duty Allowance : Rs. 45 to 135/- per day
Submarine Technical Allowance : Rs. 300/- month
This 07th CPC has recommended to enhance these allowances to 1.5 times. Hence, this federation demands very strongly that Technical Pay/Allowance has to be extended to the civilian employees those are involved in technical work job as described above.
15. Special Compensatory (Hill Area) Allowances: in Para 8.10.80 the 07th CPC has recommended that there is hardly any hardship involved at altitudes of 1000 meter above sea level and it should be abolished.
The incumbents working in such areas like Ordnance Factory Dehradun etc. are getting this allowance at the rate between Rs. 720/- to 900/- per month. Hence, it is demanded that this allowance may be replaced by Tough Location Allowance-III as mentioned in Para. 8.10.76 (R3H3) at the rate between Rs. 1000/- to 1200/-.
16.Non-Matriculate appointed on Compassionate Grounds: Due to implementation of the recommendations of 06th CPC, vide O.M. No. 14014/2/2009-Estt(D), dated 11.02.2009 & 03.04.2012 DoP&T has issued instructions that a person who does not fulfill educational qualification of a post can be appointed as “Trainee”.
A person appointed as a “Trainee” enjoys the status of Government servant from initial day and will be allowed all the allowances and benefit allowed to a government servant but he has to acquire minimum educational qualifications in 05 yrs.
07th CPC has not mentioned about such “trainee” government servant. Hence, it should be clarified about the revision of pay of existing non-matriculate trainees who have completed more than 05 yrs service and future induction of non-matriculates.
Apart from above, this federation has reflected its views on the cadre related matters of OFB (copy enclosed), which may be considered with mutatis mutandis in other Directorates of MoD.
Sir, it is humble request to you to kindly consider the above in correct perspective and take appropriate directives to the authorities to redress the above anomalies/grievances arising out of recommendations of 07th CPC.
Thanking you.
Enclosed : As mentioned
Sincerely yours
General Secretary
Source: BPMShttps://7thpaycommissionnews.in
Major Federations and Unions views on the recommendations of 7th Pay Commission
Confederation of Central Government Employees
All India Railwaymen Federation
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Bharatiya Pratiraksha Mazdoor Sangh
Indian National Defence Workers Federation
I joined central govt service in the present( eqivalent) pay scale of 7th cpc at level 7 which starts at 44,000/. During my service, I got two promotions with very meagre financial benefits as I was serving at the max of the scales with stagnation increments. Finally, I retired in the 7th CPC scale of level 9,
My revised minimum pension as per concordance table, with 3 increments in the retiring scale will be 29,000/=. ie in scale level 9
Had I retired from service, without any promotion my minimumpension will be 44,350/= (with 24 increments annually,
As per my present pension, the revised pension will be 2.57 times, wchich will work out to 36861,
I am disappointed,, I should have even refused the two promotions which came after 15 years and 6 years in the two scales.