7th Pay Commission recommended replacement pay levels for Laboratory Staff 2025
Pay Scale Structure for Lab Technician and Officers
- Junior Technical Officers or Technical Supervisor – Rs. 4600 Grade Pay
- Senior Technical Assistant (Lab) or Technical Supervisor (Lab) – Rs. 4200 Grade Pay
- Laboratory Technician / Senior Laboratory Technician / Blood Bank Technician / Senior Blood Technician / Technical Assistant / Museum Curator – Rs. 2800 Grade Pay
- Laboratory Assistant – Rs. 2000, Rs. 2400, Rs. 2800 Grade Pay
Laboratory Staff : Laboratory Assistants have demanded raise at various levels. They have also represented for treating them as scientific staff as their duties are of scientific nature. Further, they have also demanded time bound promotions to overcome the acute stagnation in their cadre.
Analysis and Recommendations : The existing structure of Laboratory Assistants is as follows:The entry level qualification for Laboratory Assistants varies from Class X + Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (DMLT) to Class XII + DMLT.
The Commission feels that Laboratory Assistants perform a very important function. The medical diagnosis and treatment to a very large extent depends on proper examination and findings by the laboratory staff.
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare have intimated that the cadre review of laboratory staff, which was underway, has since been finalised with the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance. The restructured/revised entry level qualification, grade pays and nomenclatures of different posts are reflected in the table below:The Commission notes that with this cadre review, most of their demands stand addressed. The Commission, therefore, recommends replacement pay levels for these employees.
The approach of this Commission is to bring about uniformity in the entry level qualifications, nomenclatures and pay scales while dealing with cadres with similar job content and responsibility across organisations. The cadre of Laboratory Staff presents a fit case for such harmonization. Accordingly, the Commission recommends that administrative ministries take appropriate steps for aligning the laboratory staff under their respective jurisdictions on the lines reflected in the above table.
Hello Everyone, I am working as a Lab Tech in central govt office as a permanent employee from 10 years. In education I have done MLT diploma + graduate and I am only getting 2400 cpc. It is justified?
My organization says if I can arrange some document showing that A MLT Diploma + Graduate getting holder different CPC then they will revised my pay scale accordingly. Therefore I request central govt employees people to please help me out and arrange to share some fact so that I can manage to revise my pay scale.
Thanks in advance. Any guidance is also welcome. yogender13@gmail.com
This type of unfair treatment is really very bad for many employees who are Graduates + DMLT + Experience when they join in Autonomous bodies.
Someone should file petition in Supreme Court to challenge such illegal treatment..
I, joined as a lab technician in autonomous body in 2006, in level 4000-100-6000/-, with implementation of the 6th cpc, my grade pay was fixed at 2400/-, later i got first MACP after completion of 10 years of my services in 2016 and in the same year and was upgraded from GP 2400/- to GP 2800/- level 4 to level 5.
Further in January 2020 our RR was revised and pay level of lab technician was fixed from GP 2400/- to GP 4200/- initially from level 4 to level 6 and the post was nomenclature as Medical laboratory technologist.
My question is that, in which level should my pay fixation is to be done whether GP 4200/- or GP 4600/- at level 6 or Level 7 as during the revision of pay rules my GP was 2800/- at level 5 (As level 4 was upgraded to level 6, then level 5 would be upgraded at which level??? would it be Level 6 or Level 7???) also when will i get my second MACP, in 2026 after completion of 20 years of my service or would it be in 2030 after completion of 10 years of service on the upgraded level as on January 2020???
Level 6 (4200). Since you got 2 pay fixation i.e. 2400 to 2800, 2800 to 4200 you are eligible next promotion in between 2027 to 2036 or on completion of service of 30 years i.e. 2037 as 3rd MACP fixation of basic pay in Matrix Level 7 stage. You may note that there is only 3 pay fixation in service, upgraded post/change of designation basic pay also as fixation.
Nishant Raut Jee, I Shri. Amiya Garai, Laboratory Technician in Ministry of AYUSH, Autonomous Body, but our Council till now not revised my Scale and designation. So please kindly share your Department orders (garaiamiya@yahoo.in).
Hello everyone this is Ramesh
if you are a Lab Technician who is working in Autonomous bodies and if your position is permanent then please kindly reply me.
I want to know that is there is any grade pay like 3500 in govt hospital of lab tecnician if yes then kindly tell me what is the salary in joining 2017 till now 2021
hello Ravindra gaaru
Are you asking about the central Govt pay scales? I
If yes means there is no 3500-grade pay, only we have 2800 to jump 4200 that’s it.
What is the grade of Lab Asstt post in colleges. Kindly also inform about new salry of Lab Asstt as per central 7th pay commission
It is as per service GP 200,, 2400, & 2800.
I joined as tech asst/ research asst with RR requiring a,PG degree in Microbiology or natural science with 425- scale in 1990 later it was fixed in 1400– 4200 gp in respective pay revisions. Now in the 7 th cpc i
My feeder cadre lab tech nd my tech asst posts are merged and fixed wrongly at matrix 6. I am in moh &fw govt.of India office at Chengalpattu. Tamilnadu.CLTRI. iam unable to explain to my medical qualified doctors who are not interested to keep the old hierarchic or feeder cadre levels. Kindly help me with documents copy to request my authority
Lab attendant 2 in aiims will get 28oo grade pay
Why cadre review of Lab staff in railway is unnecessary delay….
Why lab technician in some autonomous body getting GP 24 while in all autonomous body lab technician is in GP 2800 having same qualifications and experience. Any body can help in this matter,plz respond how can I avail the same as others
why such types of cadre review is not done in radiographers those how are directly join after B.SC AND . RADIORGAPHER DIPLOMA.
Why cadre review of Laboratory Staff in MOHFW is unnecessary delay …
What happened about cadre review….
Laboratory assistant in railway hospital not upgraded yet. When it will be possible.
What’s the position of Laboratory Technologist pay scale?
Department of Animal Husbandry dairying and fisheries, laboratory assistant posts are upgraded or not please inform. Our institute laboratory assistant posts grade pay is ₹ 1900/-
is it applied in the 7th CPC ,is there any circular reg. this
Is it applicable in department of space ISRO
This is applicable for lab assistant in EME Corps
All departments laboratory assistant shall get gp Rs.2800/- Pl.. Clear doubt.
yes ,100 % applicable
whether it is apllicable to all laboratory assistants who are working in various ministries