Wage hike in 7th Pay Commission and Trade Union Action
Wage hike and trade union action
Comrades ,
The 7th CPC has cheated the 35 lakhs Central Government Employees and 50 lakhs pensioners, by announcing meagre 14.29% wage hike, in actual term of increase for serving employees after deduction of Income tax, enhanced subscription of CGEIS, licence fee, CGHS etc the net increase is actually varies from 1% to 4 % increase.
The similar situation was existing for central Government employees during the 5th CPC , as the 5th CPC had recommended 20% wage hike after strike notice was served then the Third Front Government agreed to provide 40% wage hike, recently the 6th CPC had provided 54% wage hike.This is lowest wage hike by any pay commission.
The Central Government Employees are having 10 years wage revision against the basic principle of 5 years wage revision adopted by all other Government agency such as Banks Employees, PSU employees etc.
The bank employees were initially offered around 10% wage hike , after sustained trade union action they got 15% wage hike from with effect from 1st November 2012.
Cumulatively it works out to more than 35 % wage hike for 10 years. The AP and Telangana state government employees got recently 40 % wage hike the pay commission of AP had also adopted Dr. Aykroyd formula and 15th ILO norms and fixed at Rs 13,000/- minimum wage as on 1st July 2013 , if we calculate the minimum wage on this basis for the Central Government Employees the minimum wage works out to Rs 25,000/- and fitment formula of 3.57 .
Comrades let us fight united under the NJCA banner to achieve a decent wage hike, the 7th CPC has erred in the calculation of minimum wage for the Central Government Employees it has fixed at Rs 18000/ against the staff side demand of Rs 26,000/-.
While calculating the minimum wage as per Dr. Aykroyd formula and 15th ILO norms the 7th CPC has taken wrong prices of the essential items for example the price of one kg of pulses as Rs 97.84 against the market price of Rs 180/- , similarly the price of one kg of rice and wheat as Rs 25.93 against the market price of Rs 50/- & Rs 40, and 7th CPC has modified the Dr. Aykroyd formula and 15th ILO norms.
The 7th CPC has taken 125% DA into consideration, at present the DA is likely to cross 125% , the prices of essential commodity including rice and pulses are showing increase in last month and further rise due to floods and draught in many states.
Overall the 7th CPC has erred in calculation of minimum wage for the Central Government Employees there by denying the correct fitment formula and justify wage hike.
Comrade it is time to mobilize, educate and prepare for trade union action. Like bank employees we should also get justify wage agreement.
Comradely yours
General Secretary
Source: http://karnatakacoc.blogspot.in/
Basis of taking house at Rs 580 odd? Where will u get it.HRA is in thousands and to arrive figure of 18000 house at 580 odd in Akr formula.
Dear Sir,
I am astonished with the pay commission report. Why house rent decrees from 30% to 24%, 20% to 16% and 10% to 8%.. In the market house rent increase three times within 10 years. So, house rent must be 12%, 24% and 30%.
Thanking you Sir,.