Upgradation of Pay Band and Grade Pay of LDC and UDC will be discussed in National Anomaly Committee Meeting.
NAC Meeting today : Upgradation of Pay for LDC and UDC will be discussed
The Secretary, NCJCM Staff Side has already informed that a meeting NAC will be held after the final Meeting of NCJCM with 7th Pay Commission. Accordingly the DOPT is holding the National Anomaly Committee Meeting today at 3.00 PM at New Delhi. The office Memorandum issued to all Staff Side Members 0f The National Anomaly Committee stated that..
“In continuation of meeting held on 29/5/2015 the next meeting of the National Anomaly Committee is scheduled to be held under the Chairpersonship of Joint Secretary (Establishment) on 9th June, 2015 at 3.00 P.M. in the Conference Hall (Room No. 190) North Block, New Delhi. Agenda Notes for the meeting as suggested by the Staff Side are enclosed.
All the concerned are requested to kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting.”
The agenda points finalized for discussion in the NAC meeting
There are 12 Items listed in the Agenda Notes for Discussion ,
At Item Number 4 the issue of Upgradation of Pay Band and Grade Pay of LDC, UDCs and stenographers Gr.III In Subordinate offices is included for discussion. it is established in the point that LDCs may be placed in PB-i with Grade Pay of Rs.2800 and UDCs may be placed in PB-2 with Grade Pay of Rs.4200
ITEM No.4 : Upgradation of Pay Band and Grade Pay of LDC, UDCs and stenographers Gr.III In Subordinate offices.
Group ‘D’ employees have been placed in PB-I with Grade Pay Rs. 1800 and entry qualification now prescribed in Matriculation.
LDC/UDCB have been assigned the same PB-I with Grade Pay of Rs. 1900 and Rs. 2400.
Assistants and Stenographers of Central Secretariat who were in the pre revised pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 PB-2 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200 has been granted upgraded pay scale in PB-2 with Grade Pay of Rs.4600 with retrospective effect from 1.1.2006. (0M dated 17.11.2009).
The result is that vertical relativity between Group ‘D’ and LDCs has been drastically reduced on the one hand and on the other vertical relativity between UDC sand Stenographer Gr.III of subordinate offices vis a vis the Assistants and Stenographers of Central Sectt. has been widened. In both way the relativities vis-à-vis Group D’ and LDCs and vis-à-vis UDCs/Stenographer III and Assistants have been disturbed without assigning any reasons therefore.
With a view to maintain the well established relativities it is proposed that LDCs may be placed in PB-i with Grade Pay of Rs.2800 and UDCs may be placed in PB-2 with Grade Pay of Rs.4200.
All other Agenda points of NAC Meeting
Item No. I : Anomaly In the Pay Band I Grade Pay of Gazetted Officer in prerevised Pay scale of Rs.6500-10500
Item No.2 : Anomaly in the Pay Scale of Data Proccssing Assistants Grade A
ITEM No.3 :PB-2 with Grade Pay of Rs.4200 for Lab Technicians
ITEM No.4:Upgradation of Pay Band and Grade Pay of LDC, UDCs and stenographers Gr.III in Subordinate offices.
ItemNo. 5: Grant of PB-2 Grade Pay Rs.4200 to Senior Clerks of Delhi Milk Scheme ,
Item No.6 :Removal of anomaly in the case of Artisan staff of different departments.
Item No.7 :Sub: Maintaining the horizontal parity as recommended by the 6th Central Pay Commission.
Item No. 8 :Maintaining horizontal relativity between the Section Officers of Central Sectt. And the Income tax Officers, Superintendents of Post Officers, Superintendents of Central Excise and Customs Departments.
Item No. 9 :Pay Band and Grade Pay for Medical Assistant of Ordnance factories.
Item No. 10 :Issues of Store keeping Staff
Item No.11 : Children Education Allowance – Denial thereof
Source: www.gservants.com
Sir some post of officials ldc udc stenographer camp asset pay should be lumpsump similar clerical cadres pay& allowance s should be s imiliar because ldc & udc pay is very shameful from last 20year sometimes and fany times request to you sir please please please …………………… help med
From sanjay Kumar p. Shahahjanpur my cell no 09410230762
What will be the LDC’s pay band in seventh pay. will it be satisfactory??? or disappointing as sixth pay
Earlier there was not grade pay system we were getting 4000 to 5000 automatically. but in 6th CPC next grade pay introduced and we got 2800.
It is my humble request to take appropriate decision for LDC/UDC/OS.
Being part of the same organisation IN OF Board the UDC is promoted to Asst and they were given 4200 g.p. But in Ordnance Factories Asst. post has been abolished. If Asst post is given in O F Board UDC then we the part of the same organisation should also get Asst promotion..
The UDC grade in Ordnance Factories are depressed as they have
granted grade pay 2800 and some of our brothers got 4200 g.p. The ACP and MACP have ruined the life of UDC. Hope favourable orders will be placed for UDC in this 7th CPC.
Earlier there was not grade pay system we were getting 4000 to 5000 automatically. but in 6th CPC next grade pay introduced and we got 2800.
It is my humble request to take appropriate decision for LDC/UDC/OS.
Being part of the same organisation IN OF Board the UDC is promoted to Asst and they were given 4200 g.p. But in Ordnance Factories Asst. post has been abolished. If Asst post is given in O F Board UDC then we the part of the same organisation should also get Asst promotion..
This burning issue will be doused only if the LDCs and UDCs are compensated with the demanded Grade Pay since it is pending for more than 7 years. Hope all LDCs and UDCs will be happy after favourable decision.