Top 25 Questions and Answers about Mahatma Gandhi
If you’re curious about one of the most influential leaders in history, Mahatma Gandhi, you might have some questions that need answering. Luckily, there are plenty of resources available to help you learn more about this remarkable man. Here are the top 25 questions and answers about Mahatma Gandhi, covering everything from his early life and education to his philosophy of non-violent resistance and his lasting legacy. With these answers, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of one of the most important figures of the 21st century.
1 Question: When was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi born and at which place?
Answer: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869. He was born in Porbandar.
2 Question: Mahatma Gandhi’s father, Karamchand Gandhi, was Prime Minister in which states?
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi’s father was prime minister for some time in the states of Rajkot, Porbandar, and Wankaner.
3 Question: In which month did Mahatma Gandhi pass the London Matric in 1890?
Answer: In the month of June 1890, Mahatma Gandhi passed the London Matric.
4 When did Mahatma Gandhi become a full-fledged barrister?
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi became a full-fledged minister on June 10, 1891.
5 Question: What were the names of the eldest and youngest son of Mahatma Gandhi?
Answer: The eldest son’s name was Harilal and the youngest son’s name was Devdas.
6 Question: When was his first experience of Jail life for Mahatma Gandhi and how many times was he jailed?
Answer: The first time Mahatma Gandhi went to jail was in 1908. And, he was almost eleven times gone to jail.
7 Question: At which place did Mahatma Gandhi take the momenta conclusion to donate cloth?
Answer: In Varanasi, Mahatma Gandhi took the final decision of donating the clothes.
8 Question: What was the name of the resident medical attendant of Mahatma Gandhi at his Sabarmati Ashram?
Answer: Sushila Nayyar was the person who attended the Mahatma Gandhi at Sabarmati Ashram.
9 Question: What was the age of Mahatma Gandhi when he first wrote a number of articles on vegetarianism in the English magazine called “The vegetarian”?
Answer: He was just 21 years old when he wrote those vegetarian articles.
10 Question: What was the approximate age of Mahatma Gandhi when he came out of prison for the last time and what was the place?
Answer: He was 75 years old at that point, and his last jail sentence was in Pune.
11 Question: How many years was Mahatma Gandhi sent to jail in India by the British Government?
Answer: For the period of Six years.
12 Question: For how many months did Mahatma Gandhi spend in jail during his entire lifetime?
Answer: For 82 months.
13 Question: Mahatma Gandhi’s body was carried on a made-over army weapon carrier, so, how many men of the army, navy, and air force were pulled by ropes?
Answer: Around a total of 200 men carried the body of Mahatma Gandhi.
14 Question: Who suggested that the body of Mahatma Gandhi be conserved like Lenin’s body in Moscow?
Answer: It was a suggestion proposed by Lord Mountbatten.
15 Question: Apart from Mahatma Gandhi’s death anniversary, 30th January in the country is also marked for?
Answer: The day is observed as Martyrs’ Day and Anti-Leprosy Day.
16 Question: How old was Mahatma Gandhi at the time of his first speech?
Answer: He was 25 years old.
17 Question: Where has Kasturba Gandhi died in detention?
Answer: She died in Aga Khan Palace.
18 Question: Till what age Mahatma Gandhi was with Kasturba Gandhi?
Answer: For 62 years.
19 Question: What age Kasturba Gandhi died?
Answer: She was 72 years old.
20 Question: When Indians first entered Transvaal?
Answer: In the year 1881
21 Question: Who wanted to convert Mahatma Gandhi to Christianity in South Africa?
Answer: He was A.W Baker.
22 Question: For how many months did Kheda lasted for?
Answer: For four months
23 Question: What was the first problem that Mahatma Gandhi pointed out in the country?
Answer: It was the abolishment of the system of indentured labor.
24 Question: For how many times was Mahatma arrested in South Africa?
Answer: 6 times
25 Question: On which day Mahatma organized hartal in South Africa?
Answer: On July 23rd, 1908.

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