Salary advance for the month of November, 2016 to be paid to Non-Gazetted Employees – Railway Board Orders
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)
No.2016/E(LL)/ APW /1.
New Delhi, dt. 17 .11.2016
The General Managers,
All Zonal Railways, PUs,
Metro Railway, RDSO, CTis
Sub: Salary advance for the month of November, 2016 to be paid to Non-Gazetted Employees.
A copy of Office Memorandum No.25(30)/E.Coord/2016 dated 17.11.2016 of the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance regarding advance payment of salary for the month of November, 2016 to the Non-Gazetted employees -is enclosed for necessary action.
2. For all Units covered under IPAS, CRIS has developed supplementary bill module for this payment and may be utilized. For all other Units, respective pay roll programmes may be used.
3. This issues with the concurrence of Accounts Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
(D.V. Rao).
Director/Estt. (LL)
Railway Board
Source: AIRF