Revision of Pension under 7th CPC Pre-2016 cases – CPAO Orders
“Revision of pension under 7th CPC pre-2016 cases has been slightly modified as per annexure”
CPAO/IT&Tech/Revision (7th CPC)19.Vol-III/2016-17/50
Office Memorandum
Subject:- Implementation of Revision of Pension of Pre 1.1.2016 Pensioners/Family Pensioners in pursuance to DP&PW OM 38/37/2016-P&PW (A) dated 12th May 2017 and Ministry of Finance (Deptt. of Expenditure) OM No.l(13)/EV/20l7 dated 23rd May 20l7.
The format of revision of pension as mentioned under Para 4 (iii) of OM No. CPAO/IT&Tech/Revision (7th CPC)19 (Vol-III)/2016-17/37 dated-25.05.2017 on the subject cited
above and annexed thereto for revision of pension under 7th CPC pre-2016 cases has been slightly modified as per annexure.
The enclosed format shall be used both for the electronic revision of pension through erevision utility of CPAO and in case of manual revision for sending the paper based revision authorities by PAOs to CPAO.
This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
Encl- As above
(Krishna Sharma)
Sro Accounts Offlcer(IT&Tech)
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