No Cadre Review benefits to the Para-Medical Staff in CRPF
i. There are 2305 Para-medical staff constituting a number of categories as skilled and highly skilled personnel who provide indoor and outdoor medical support/cover to the Force Personnel. There have been anomalies in their wages, allowances and career progression witnessed throughout their career even after combatisation. Having all India service liability they still receive less pay and allowances compared to their counterparts in other CGHS Hospitals. No cadre review in respect of Para-Medical Cadre has ever been carried out so far in CRPF.
As a result, many of the Para-Medical staff such as ASI (Pharmacists), Physiotherapists etc never got promotion in their entire service in spite of the MOF Order No. 10 (1)-E-III/88 of GoI (MOF) GO No. 70/12-91 dated 13/9/91 and recommendation of the 4th Pay Commission, the reason being that Cadre Review of the Para-Medical Cadre was never carried out in the Force as mentioned earlier, though a Cadre Review-cum-Restructuring proposal in respect of Medical Cadre of CRPF (Medical Officers & Para- Medical Staff) was submitted to MHA vide CRPF UO No.O.IV-15/99-Org dated 08-09-2000. This proposal was initially meant for the career progression of all Group ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ Hospital staff. It was later de-linked from Group ‘A’ Medical Officers Cadre Review. Cadre Review of the Medical Officers in CRPF has been done at the time of restructuring of Medical setups of CPMFs vide MHA letter No. 27012/33/2003-PF.III dated 02/09/2004. The Cadre Review-cum- Restructuring proposal in respect of Para- Medical Staff based on the recommendation at Para 52.90 of 5th Central Pay Commission. Cadre Review of 79 Para Medical Staff was submitted during the year 2000 along with Medical Officers. The MHA however, vide their UO No.27012/55/2005-PF.III dated 10/01/2011 intimated that cadre review proposal submitted by CRPF during 2000 had already been considered as a part of a consolidated proposal for the restructuring of the Medical set up of the CPMFs on 04/09/2004.
Practically, however, MHA never sanctioned any Cadre Review benefits to the Para-Medical Staff in CRPF. Resultantly, the Force is facing acute problem of promoting certain very important functionaries of Para-Medical Cadre like Pharmacists. Out of 637 Pharmacists, 58 are in rank of Sub. Inspector and 11 in the rank of Inspectors are lying vacant due to incompatible Recruitment Rules. Therefore, bulk of Pharmacists (568 still serve in the rank of Assistant Sub Inspector even after putting in more than 30 years of dedicated service. A number of Court cases have been filed in various Courts for the up-gradation of the rank of ASI/Pharm to the rank of SI/Pharm. This speaks of a real precarious situation of a Cadre which constitutes maximum strength of the overall Medical and Para-Medical cadre.
This is only have mention of Pharmacist.They are playing a considerable role in CRPF but everyone knows that if one part of body stops functioning it becomes difficult to proceed further. Lab. Techs of CRPF are suffering a lot no rank promotion or cadre review since the creation of post. Combatised Lab.Techs are still in the rank of ASI after more than 30 years of service.
Promotion in regular intervals is the motivational tool in every organization. But in CRPF, cadre review of Pharmacist were never been carried out seriously, as a results they are frustrated and going to various courts. The job of Pharmacist in CRPF is very tough, they are being posted at very remote and sensitive areas even then neither they are getting promotional avenues nor the equal scale to other central government organizations, which is a big injustice to them. I think Deptt. Should seriously think on this and a good cadre review may be implemented so that the problem may be Short out.
It is Very unfortunate that there is no promotional avenues for pharmacist cadre in CRPF,While they are the back bone of medical Assistantance in the elite Force,Primerily they are degraded by department since 1996 even after favorable recommendations of 5 Th CPC and further lack of promotional avenues they are demoralized,Govt should take favourable action accordingly.
Pharmacist is a very famous name in crpf, From ward boy to metron all para medical staffs are called as Pharmacist by this force. Because Sk to Go’s, they only know Pharmacist and they have a faith that the solution of each and every problem related to hospital is only at Pharmacist. Though pharmacists are back bone of the crpf hospital, they suffering for thier promotion, it’s so sad…
The medical cadre back bone of CRPF is called pharmacist. They are providing medical aid to the grassroot level. But not giving promotion to them is a injustice to them.
Crpf me nursing astt ko parmotion keya or hc nursing astt. Banaya or pay c.r safaikarmchari se kam Mel rahi ha hc nursing astt. Ko
Really CRPF official are not dealing in a better career of Pharmacist. Other force would have to take the examples of CRPF but unfortunately CRPF PHARMACIST coating the ref. Of ITBP.. Ultimately ITBP prepared RR and started recruitment of pharmacist as ASI
what about radiographer technicians promotion’s and cadre review
Its very frustrating that after completion of even 20 years of service ,pharmacist in Crpf are not getting promotion , we are feeling inferiority as person from ors rank they get promotion and we didn’t get ,person who will solve this problem of pharmacist will be known for hundred of years
we are still fighting for promotion of pharmacist in ITBP , as a line cadre of ministrial Staff, engineering staff , Hope we will able to set a example by creating post of pharmacist as a Assistant Commandant and Deputy commandant . but if whole CAPF pharmacists could union for court case at one plate form. if any pharmacist of CAPF wants to talk me my phone no is 8860068705…. Please call me for further progress .
R.S. Bhandari
Big issue with the pharmacist posted in CAPF , didn’t understood yet! For me I have seen pharmacist from all CAPF are Honest, Laborious and professionally sound ,,,, This could be a cause of their worthiness! or being more and most important for unit hospital , Base Hospital , Composite Hospital of the CAPF……………..
I think most qualified doctors in CAPF do not want to give them a better carrier ………………………,
If all Pharmacists of CAPF will file a case to the Hon Court, matter of these guys may help up to some extends ……………………………….
Every cadre of crpf having promotion than why pharmacist are isolated and have no rank promotion
It is very necessary for cadre review of ASI/Pharmacists at CRPF. Govt. in the means Home minister and PM Sh. Narendra Modi must watch and make a solution this dispute case of cadre review of paramedical staff at CRPF. This is a true time to solve this matter. It’s a only isolated post in CRPF , there is no promotion entire there life but their MACP are continued, . what happened why the Directorate label officers not emphasize and resolve this subject since a very long years. …
May I ask about the pay , gradepay and upgradation of ANMs ? In Assam Rifles we appointed in liu of staff nurse and do the same job Since last 22 years. No upgradation nor promotion of us . I combatised myself as WO/ANM and done the army course of MR l to promote me as JCO. Before my combatisation WO got all JCOs facilities. l also entitled in JCOs mess and paid same bill for years long. Suddenly I informed that it is NCOs rank now.Every rank her promote, how can it possibilities that our rank fall? I got ACP on 1.1.2006 ,scale as staff/nurse. But after 6 th CPC grade pay was less than staff/nurse. Help me and our rank please.