MHA (Ministry of Home Affairs) Order Dated 16.4.2020 on Consolidated Revised Guidelines
Government of India
Ministry of Home Affairs
North Block, New Delhi-110001
Dated 16th April, 2020
In continuation Of Ministry of Home Affairs’s Order No.40-3/2020-DM-I(A) Dated 15th April, 2020 and in exercise of the powers, conferred under Section of the Disaster Management Act; the undersigned, in his capacity as Chairperson. National Executive Committee, hereby orders to include the following in the consolidated revised guidelines for strict implementation by Ministries/ Departments of Government of India, State/Union Territory Governments and State/ Union Territory Authorities:
I. Sub-clause (viii) under Clause 6 ‘A’ on All Agricultural and horticultural activities:
- viii. Collection, harvesting and processing of Minor Forest Produce (MFP)/ Non Timber Forest Produce (NTFP) by Scheduled Tribes and Other forest dwellers In forest areas.
II. Sub-clause (iii) under Clause 6 ‘C’ on on Plantations:
- iii. Bamboo, Coconut, Arecanut, Cocoa, spices plantation and their harvesting, processing, packaging, sale and marketing.
III. clause (v) & (vi) under Clause 7 on Financial Sector:
- v. Non-Banking financial institutions (NBFCs) including Housing Finance Companies (HFCs) and Micro Finance Institutions (NBFC-MFIs) with bare minimum staff.
- vi. Cooperative Credit Societies.
IV. Clause 16 (i) on construction activities in rural areas, includes, water supply and sanitation: laying/erection of power transmission lines and laying of telecom optical fiber and cable along with related activities.
Home Secretary
1. The Secretaries of Ministries / Departments of Government of India
2. The Chief Secretaries /Administrators of States /Union Territories
(As per list attached)
Copy to:
i. All members of the National Executive Committee.
ii. Member Secretary, National Disaster Management Authority.
Click to view the Notification
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