Draf Regulations for Retirement Advisers – PFRDA
Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority is in the process of drafting regulations for Retirement Advisers. Towards this end, the Authority has prepared a Concept Note which is being placed on the website of PFRDA for Stakeholders and public comments.
Concept Note on Introduction of Retirement Adviser
The detailed note under various subject healines are…
1. Background
2. Retirement Planning
3. Retirement Adviser
4. Scope of Work of Retirement Adviser
5. Eligibility for Retirement Adviser
6. Application for Registration
7. Registration Fee
8. Exemption from registration and Certification
9. Period and Validity of Registration
10. Renewal of Registration
11. Suspension and Cancellation of Certificate of Registration
12. General Responsibilities and Obligations
13. Maintenance of records
14. Segregation of execution services
15. Appointment of Compliance Officer
16. Fees to be charged by the Retirement Adviser
17. Grievance Redressal
18. Penal provisions
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