7th CPC Pay Fixation: Online Discussion Comments
Comments on the topic of “7th CPC Pay Fixation” Readers expressed thier opinions, questions and answer to others as comments (Update Daily) |
Date | 2018/11/18 at 11:31 am |
Comment | My ppo no s/028256/2000,new ppo not received […] |
Approved | 3 approved |
Date | 2018/11/05 at 9:50 am |
Comment | My PPO/028256/2000. Fixed medical allowance with arrer since 2004. […] |
Approved | 3 Comments |
Name | M.K.KUMAR |
Date | 2018/11/04 at 9:51 pm |
Comment | In reply to Ravi. Rs.52000/-. […] |
Approved | 461 Comments |
Name | Ravi |
Date | 2018/11/04 at 5:22 pm |
Comment | I am working at basic pay 50500 in gp 4600. I want to give technical resignation and to join in 4800 gp. I get increment in July. At what amount my pay will be fixed. Please reply […] |
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Name | M.K.KUMAR |
Date | 2018/11/02 at 5:14 pm |
Comment | In reply to Yogesh kumar. At Rs. 31,400/- if it’s proper channel. […] |
Approved | 460 Comments |
Name | Yogesh kumar |
Date | 2018/11/02 at 2:50 pm |
Comment | I was working in the office of central govt, at GRADE PAY 2800 with basic pay of 31000/- . I technically resigned from the office and joined the job in lower grade pay 2400 at what amount my pay will be protected. […] |
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Name | M.K.KUMAR |
Date | 2018/10/09 at 12:22 pm |
Comment | In reply to S k sinha. Read 7th para of O.M. From last ……..As a result …………..7th CPC. Para 8 (iv) reproduced.. “All pay stages lower than the entry pay in 6th CPC pay structure as indicated in PAY MATRIX contained in 7th CPC REPORT are not to be taken into account for determining the extent of benching.” Moreover this O.M. & O.M. dt.7/9/16 is for HAG Scale, HAG+scale, Apex Scale & the scale of CABINET SECRETARY. Not .for others like GP 4200 & 4600. Read the O.M. fully. Thanks for your comments […] |
Approved | 459 Comments |
Name | S k sinha |
Date | 2018/10/05 at 12:57 pm |
Comment | In reply to M.K.Kumar. I am asking only for upgraded grade pay by seventh cpc not macp. Eg. 4200 gp is upgraded with 4600 go. Due to upgradation can Senior officers claim bunching from juniors officers if differences more than 3% in the basic. However both officers have joined in sixth CPC. Therefore no one r having basics below the entry pay. Explain how is it determined? […] |
Approved | 3 Comments |
Name | M.K.KUMAR |
Date | 2018/09/19 at 6:07 pm |
Comment | In reply to A N Mishra. No. As per the 7th CPC rules no promotional monitory benefits, only designation changes. By way of MACP of every 10 years pay will be upgraded as next matrix level changes. […] |
Approved | 458 Comments |
Name | A N Mishra |
Date | 2018/09/19 at 6:07 pm |
Comment | I was getting 53600 in level 8 of GP 4800 upto December 2016 after getting annual increment on 01.07.2016. From January 2017 I promoted to higher post of Group A – 5400 GP in Level 10. As per new rule will my basic revise ? […] |
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Name | Ramesh |
Date | 2018/09/14 at 12:11 pm |
Comment | I worked in level 6 index 3 and I technical resigned and joined in a new post in level 10 recruited by UPSC what is the my index number in level 10 please clarify […] |
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Name | M.K.KUMAR |
Date | 2018/09/03 at 10:38 am |
Comment | In reply to S k sinha. Yes with additional one increment in same level and fixed to nereast amount of stage in next level for upgradration in MACP. […] |
Approved | 458 Comments |
Name | S k sinha |
Date | 2018/09/01 at 8:35 am |
Comment | Are upgraded grade pay in the seventh CPC, eligible for bunching? […] |
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Name | M.K.KUMAR |
Date | 2018/08/30 at 12:45 pm |
Comment | In reply to Richard. PB-2 of 6th CPC starts from Rs.9300-34800 with GP 4200, in 7th CPC MATRIX LEVEL 6 of Rs.35,400/- it depends upon your starting basic pay and scale of pay (promotions/MACP if any) of Grade Pay it will be fixed at new post of matrix levels […] |
Approved | 457 Comments |
Name | Richard |
Date | 2018/08/28 at 11:50 pm |
Comment | I am working 18 years in PB-1 and now i will join with the new post of PB-2. What will be my monthly pay of my new post. […] |
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Name | M.K.Kumar |
Date | 2018/08/04 at 3:58 pm |
Comment | Your next MACP on completion of 10th year on 16/2/2022 from that day upgraded your pay in level 8 and getting one additional increment in matrix level 7 and pay fixed in level. 8. In the 7th CPC no monitory benefits for any promotions. […] |
Approved | 456 Comments |
Name | M.K.Kumar |
Date | 2018/08/04 at 3:57 pm |
Comment | In reply to uday chavan. Your next MACP on completion of 10th year on 16/2/2022 from that day upgraded your pay in level 8 and getting one additional increment in matrix level 7 and pay fixed in level. 8. In the 7th CPC no monitory benefits for any promotions. […] |
Approved | 455 Comments |
Name | uday chavan |
Date | 2018/08/04 at 12:23 pm |
Comment | I am working in Income Tax Department I got MACP on 16/02/2012 Grade pay Rs. 4200/- to Rs, 4600/- with one increment (post hold as Sr. T.A.), 25/01/2016 promoted as “Office Superintendent” same grade pay Rs. 4600/- not received any monetary benefit and on dated 30/07/2018 promoted as “Administrative Officer” is same grade pay,Rs. 4600/-, can I get any monetary benefit? Pl give reply early as possible because I want to give option form to the department. thanking you […] |
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Name | M.K.Kumar |
Date | 2018/07/15 at 4:47 pm |
Comment | In reply to Vaitinadin P. No, Actually increment counts service of one year, in the middle if any upgradations of pay as MACP in the 6th CPC grade pay changes & in the 7th CPC as next matrix level of pay. […] |
Approved | 454 Comments |
Name | Vaitinadin P |
Date | 2018/07/15 at 11:07 am |
Comment | My Band Pay as on 01.01.2016 is Rs.15520+Grade pay Rs.4600 = 20120 Accordingly my new pay as per 7th CPC = Rs.52000 ( Cell 6 in level 7 of pay matrix ) based on the option exercise with effect from 01.01.2016. i retired on superannuation = 29.02.2016 A/N.My last date of increment is 01.07.2015. I have served 8 months after my last increment and before my retirement. Whether i am eligible to get an additional increment. Because as per the 7th CPC recommendation the minimum service required is 6 months to get an increment. […] |
Approved | 1 Comment |
Date | 2018/07/15 at 10:37 am |
Comment | My Band Pay as on 01.01.2016 is Rs.15520 + GP Rs.4600= Rs.20120. Accordingly my 7th pay = 20120×2.57=51708 or Rs.52000 as per cell 6 in level 7 of Pay Matrix of 7th CPC.based on the option exercised w.e.f.01.01.2016 My date of last increment is 01.07.2015. I have retired on superannuation on the a/n of 29.02.2016. Based on the New pay of Rs.52000 I am receiving my Pension. As I have served 8 months after my last increment and before my retirement,whether there is any rule to get an additional increment. Because as per 7th Pay Commission recommendation the minimum service to get an increment is six months. […] |
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Name | M.K.Kumar |
Date | 2018/06/29 at 11:31 am |
Comment | In reply to M.K.Kumar. Correction : New pay on MACP (28/1/2017) ₹ 56900/- DATE OF NEXT INCREMENT if new pay on the date of MACP 1/1/2018 NEW PAY ON THE DATE OF NEXT INCREMENT ON 1/7/2017 ₹ 58600 DATE OF NEXT INCREMENT IF NEW PAY ON 1/7/2018 […] |
Approved | 453 Comments |
Name | M.K.Kumar |
Date | 2018/06/28 at 12:56 pm |
Comment | In reply to M.K.KUMAR. Sorry you will be benefited increment from 1/1/2018 on completion of 6 months from 1/7/17 to 31/12/17. You have to given option of increment From 1/1/18. your basic pay as 1/1/2018 as RS..58,600/- not from 1/7/18. […] |
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Name | M.K.KUMAR |
Date | 2018/06/28 at 11:37 am |
Comment | In reply to CHAND SINGH. As you asked your next increment will get benefited on 1/7/2018 only. Regarding pay benefited due to 2nd MACP your basic pay as given with one increment in that level 7 of Rs.56900 and fixed pay as Rs,58600 in level 8, stage 8 as on 1/7/2017, next increment in that level 8 at stage 9 as Rs.58,600 on 1/7/2018. […] |
Approved | 452 Comments |
Date | 2018/06/26 at 9:43 pm |
Comment | 1. Before ACP my basic pay was Rs. 55200 as on 01.01.2017 in the pay scale 9300-34800 (GP-4600) Level-7.
2. I got 2nd MACP on 28.01.17 in the pay scale 9300-34800 (GP-4800) Lavel-8. .4. My last date of increment was 01.07.2017 and next increment date is ???????????? […] |
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Name | M.K.KUMAR |
Date | 2018/06/26 at 11:02 am |
Comment | In reply to Jay Kumar Singh. As pay as on 1/2/17 i.e. Rs.56,900/- in matrix level 8 (4800) on upgraded pay due to 2nd MACP from 19/2/17 will be fixed with one increment in that level 58,600 and next stage in that level as 59700 fixed from 1/7/2017 in next level 9 (GP 5400) stage 5 as 60400 and next increment will be on 1/7/2018 as 61500 at stage 6. Your fixation of pay as on 1/7/17 is 60400 surely you are benefited and your matrix level changes so you will be getting next increments in that level 9. This is inform you that your designation changes from your promotion as on 20/06/2017 but at that time your pay may not change, from the 6th CPC on wards there will not be monitory benefits, only MACP of every 10th year getting benefits by changing the matrix levels. Further there will not be pay scales for promotions (if the pay changes only the pay is less than pay and not to over pay in that level). […] |
Approved | 451 Comments |
Name | Jay Kumar Singh |
Date | 2018/06/25 at 4:28 pm |
Comment | June 25, 2018 at 4:30 pm Revised 1. Before ACP my basic pay was Rs. 56900 as on 01.02.2017 in the pay scale 9300-34800 (GP-4800) Level-8. 2. I got 2nd MACP on 19.02.17 in the pay scale 9300-34800 (GP-5400) Lavel-9. In this regard I opted benefit of FR 22 B. 3. In meantime I have been promoted as AEC in the pay scale of 15600-39100 (GP-5400) Lavel-10 on 20.06.2017. 4. My last date of increment was 01.07.2016 and next increment date is 01.07.2017 5. What should be my fixation of pay as on 01.07.2017 i.e. the date of next increment. 6. Are it is beneficial for me to fix my pay on date of increment or not. If not, then what I can choose. […] |
Approved | 1 Comment |
Name | M.K.Kumar |
Date | 2018/06/21 at 10:49 am |
Comment | In reply to Sunil Kumar Jain. After 6th CPC there will be no promotional benefits of monitoy,only designated changes. Only MACP will get monitory benefits upto 3rd MACP, Since you got 3rd MACP only increment in 1/7/18 as RS.80,200 in matrix level 9 at next stage. […] |
Approved | 450 Comments |
Name | Sunil Kumar Jain |
Date | 2018/06/20 at 4:40 pm |
Comment | 1. I have been promoted as EE in the pay scale of 15600-39100 (GP-6600) and Level -11 on 08.12.2017. 2. Promotion my basic pay was Rs. 77900 as on 01.07.2017 in the pay scale 9300-34800 (GP-5400) Level-9. 3. Before promotion i got 3rd MACP on 01.06.2016 (GP-5400). 4. My last date of increment was 01.07.2017. 5. What should be my fixation of pay as on 08.12.2017 i.e. the date of promotion. […] |
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Name | M.K.Kumar |
Date | 2018/05/14 at 3:42 pm |
Comment | In reply to Tvsubburaju. This answer is to Tvsubburaju – 8/4 : As per your last pay of ₹18450 your NOTIONAL PENSION FROM 1/5/2016 is ₹ 23,800/- plus D.R. as applicable rates. […] |
Approved | 449 Comments |
Name | M.K.Kumar |
Date | 2018/05/14 at 3:35 pm |
Comment | In reply to Tvsubburaju. There is no pay scales for promotional designated benefits from 6th CPC. Only monitory benefits by way of MACP of every 10 years from 1/9/2008 by way of GRADE PAY changes and in the 7th CPC as next matrix level changes. […] |
Approved | 448 Comments |
Name | M.K.Kumar |
Date | 2018/05/14 at 3:28 pm |
Comment | In reply to Prem Chand. There is no pay scales for promotional designated benefits from 6th CPC. Only monitory benefits by way of MACP of every 10 years from 1/9/2008 by way of GRADE PAY changes and in the 7th CPC as next matrix level changes. […] |
Approved | 447 Comments |
Name | Prem Chand |
Date | 2018/05/13 at 4:55 pm |
Comment | I am a posted as Jr. Clerk in Indian Railway. I have already taken MACP in GP Rs2000/- under 6th CPC. My Basic Pay Rs. 32000/- fixed on 01.07.2016 under 7th Pay Commission. I got Promotion as Sr. Clerk in GP Rs.2800/- in Level 5 under 7th pay Commission on 30 August 2016., Now Office give me Grade Pay Difference only Rs. 800/- Previous rate accordingly 6th Pay Commission. So I get loss Approximately Rs.1200/- .Kindly advise and solution to me for this. […] |
Approved | 2 Comments |
Name | Tvsubburaju |
Date | 2018/04/08 at 2:54 pm |
Comment | I retrired on 30 04 2016 my basic pay 18450 (9300-34800) gpay4200.pl.tellme my fixation ofpay (7thcpc) new formula […] |
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Name | Pramod Kumar |
Date | 2018/02/28 at 12:10 pm |
Comment | my pay as on 01.01.2016 is Rs.6050/- in the PB of Rs. 5200-20200/- & GP of Rs. 1900/-. After multiplying with 2.57 my pay arrived at Rs. 21742/- now tell me in level 2 where my pay need to be fixed whether it will be Rs. 21700 or Rs.22400/- Ans.: 22,400/- […] |
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Name | eswar kr. sunar |
Date | 2018/02/09 at 4:37 pm |
Comment | my pay as on 01.01.2016 is Rs.6050/- in the PB of Rs. 5200-20200/- & GP of Rs. 1900/-. After multiplying with 2.57 my pay arrived at Rs. 21742/- now tell me in level 2 where my pay need to be fixed whether it will be Rs. 21700 or Rs.22400/- […] |
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Name | Rajender Vohra |
Date | 2018/02/05 at 10:08 am |
Comment | I am retired on 31-08-2015 my basic pay 21250(9300-34800)g pay4200.pl.tell me my fixation ofpay(7th cpc)New formula […] |
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Name | Banibrata Ray |
Date | 2017/11/29 at 11:30 pm |
Comment | my date of joining 17/05/91, pre-revised scale drawn basic pay of Rs. 111610/- (i. e. PB+GP) as 0n 31/12/15 and my most junior colleague date of joining 25/06/91, he getting more basic pay than me i. e. of Rs. 11920/- as on 31/12/15. So, now pay fixation as per 7th CPC given below :- I am Matriculate & my junior is non-matriculate, I have get scale 3050-4950 upgraded by ACP w.e.f. 17/05/03 and MACP w.e.f. 17/05/11 also my junior get scale 2650-3200 upgraded by ACP w.e.f. 25/06/03 but his ACP super-session as per MACP scheme and he get two MACP on 01/09/08 & 25/06/11 7th CPC revised scale pay fixation, my basic of Rs. 32000/- as on 01.01.16 and my junior basic pay 33000/- as on 01.01.16. Under the circumstances I want to know that would be what provision as per pay rules for that situation ? thanking you in anticipation. banibrata ray. Sports Authority of India, Kolkata. my junior […] |
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Name | Jignesh modha |
Date | 2017/11/25 at 11:12 am |
Comment | Onwards1.1.2016 10190+2400=12590 1.11.2016 10570+2400=12970 Now 1.11.2016 I have got my first higher scale and grade pay 4200 So 10960+4200=15160 So how much pay in 7th pay scale plz rply […] |
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Name | jignesh bhatt |
Date | 2017/11/23 at 2:20 pm |
Comment | sir my pay band is 4440-7440 and GP 1300 as on 01-01-2016. so sir tell me what will be my pay according to 7th pay commission. last 1/10/2017 my pay 15700 +DA+786+HRA+610MA+300 TA+150 = 7 pay gujarat gov. […] |
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Name | P K Patel |
Date | 2017/11/09 at 12:23 pm |
Comment | Sir, I have opted fixation of 7th pay from date of next increment i.e from 01/07/2016 as per rules 22(1)(a)(1) and get benifit on one increment. My department paid salary for the month from jan-16 to june -16 as per six pay as i have opted from 01/07/2016. But as per government notification dated 27/07/2017 the basic would be paid as per seventh pay structure matrix and given with illustration. I have been promoted from 01/07/2015, but the interview and promotion order was issued in the month of march 2016. after implementation of seventh pay during fixation option i have opted 7th pay from 01/07/2016 to get benefit of one increment. pl advice me that the payment from jan-16 to june -16 would be paid as per sixth pay or seventh pay. […] |
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Name | prakash |
Date | 2017/11/03 at 12:49 pm |
Comment | My current basic pay is 12420/- grade pay 4400/- what will be my current salary as per 7th pay in mumbai […] |
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Name | ramkaran |
Date | 2017/10/29 at 12:13 am |
Comment | Sir I am retieard 1sep2016 from army acp nb sub .mysrvice inarmy24years four month 2day.my basik pay 9382 is correct? Hwo many penson grant me. […] |
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Date | 2017/09/25 at 2:39 pm |
Comment | sir my pay band is 4440-7440 and GP 1300 as on 01-01-2016. so sir tell me what will be my pay according to 7th pay commission. […] |
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Name | D T Modi, Office Asst., NIOH |
Date | 2017/09/14 at 7:28 pm |
Comment | An employee under medical category appointed on 01/12/2016 in the 7CPC matrix level 10. He is Medical Doctor and eligible for Non Practicing Allowance (NPA). What will be his pay fixation as per 7CPC on the date of his joining i.e. 01/12/2016.? […] |
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Name | s v hemabhai |
Date | 2017/09/11 at 2:28 pm |
Comment | 1-1-2016 my basic 8900/-and GP 1900/- to Promotion dt.11/03/2016 GP 2400 my next basic as per 7thpay commission if my basic was fixed…….? […] |
Approved | 2 Comments |
Name | Gyan prakash |
Date | 2017/09/02 at 11:39 am |
Comment | Promooted from level 6to level 7 on11/08/2017,what is my next basic as per 7thpay commission if my basic was in level6 43600. […] |
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Name | J.P.CHHABRA |
Date | 2017/09/01 at 3:36 pm |
Comment | Respected Sirs, Fixation of Pay for the employees who got the MACP between the period 01.01.2016 to 30.06.2016 may kindly be illustrated clearly as illustrated in RBE No. 79/2017 Dated 31.07.2017 with example. […] |
Approved | 5 Comments |
Name | vikas |
Date | 2017/08/30 at 4:18 pm |
Comment | I PROMOTED ON 26/05/2010 and before promotion my basic pay is Rs.10310 and grade pay Rs.2800/- and after promotion I go to grade pay is Rs.4600/- . Kindly let me tell what is my basic on 01/07/2017 as per 7th pay commission […] |
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Name | Dr K N Tewari |
Date | 2017/07/30 at 7:28 pm |
Comment | Retired on 31 May 2006 in the scale of 67000 –79000 at basic pay 75 500 plus NPA @ rate of 25% restricted to Rs 85000 basic pay and pension 50% of it was fixed at 42,500 plus DA. Option 1 is 42500×2.57 Option to 2, notional pay fixation in corresponding grade+NPA limiting to not more than 237000 and 50% of it 2nd option will be beneficial Where my basic pay will be Fixed? […] |
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Name | Narayana naik |
Date | 2017/07/21 at 8:24 pm |
Comment | Pay fictetion enclosed please […] |
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Name | Dharmnath |
Date | 2017/06/01 at 1:00 pm |
Comment | As on 1 jan 16 my basic pay+grade pay=10440 after macp on 2 jan 16 my basic pay+grade pay= 10840 two increment due on 1 july 16 what will be my new basic pay in 7th cpc […] |
Approved | 1 Comment |
Total 150 Comments – Click to read all comments |
Suraj Rajoria says
I was promoted on 2 May. Level 6. To level 7. my basic before promotion was 42300. I submitted incomplete option form as I did not choose my pay to be fixed from promotion neither from dni .my department fixed my pay from dni .my annual increment in lower post is 01.01.2023. but after fixation I will get an annual increment from 01.07.2023. I am facing a lot of economic loss. What should I do? My department has denied to refix the pay from date of promotion. pls, help me.
M.K.KUMAR says
As per your statement mentioned your Increment fixed on 1-1-2023 and DNI will be only on 1-1-2024 not as 1-7-2023 your increment changed July to January.
Shivendra Singh says
Dear Sir,
I am Shivendra Singh, Senior Librarian, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Patna.
I joined AIIMS Patna on 28 February 2018 on Deputation Basis on the Pay Matrix 11. And I opted the pay in the scale of pay of deputation post. That is the Pay Matrix 11 as per the 7th Pay Commission.
What will be my basic pay in the current Deputation Post be fixed on the joining date on 28th February 2018? Please guide me.
I deputed from Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Punjab State Govt. Autonomous University.
I served there as Assistant University Librarian and the Pay is not revised in the Punjab Government till date.
I am submitting here my pay/salary details as per my parent organisation Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Punjab State Govt. Autonomous University.
1. Existing Pay Scale as per Punjab Govt (Not revised) 15600-39100+5700 GP
Basic Pay
2. 01-11-2015 23760+5700= 29460
3. 01-11-2016 24650+5700=30350
4. 01-11-2017 25560+5700=31260
5. Date of Next Annual Increment : 01-11/2018
What will be my basic pay in the current Deputation Post be fixed on the joining date on 28th February 2018? And what will be my next increment date? Please guide me.
Thanking you,
Shivendra Singh
Senior Librarian
All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Phulwarisarif, Patna, India
Ph. +91 9815626163
Email: shiv.mail@gmail.com
Sir, i have taken reversion to lower post under rule FR 15 A . before that my pay grade is 2800 and basic is 38100/- After taking reversion my pay fixed as 36500/- . Therefore kindly guide whether my pay fixation is correct or not. and inform what benefit i get if my pay protect. Also i have completed my 14 year service but i have not getting MACP 1 due to reason of reversion. Kindly guide.
M.K.KUMAR says
Due to transfer from higher post to lower post of GP 2800 to 1800 matrix level 5 to 1 in 7th CPC respectively. Now you are fixed as Rs.36,500 in stage 25 from this you have completed 10 year after that only your MACP will be given in level 2. Your next increment will be Rs.37.600/- from July.
V.Selvaraj says
1)Min Of Finance OM No:1-6/2016-IC/E-IIIA dt 07-2-2019 reg bunching.
Sir, my revised basic pay as on 1-1-2016 was fixed at Rs1,23,100 at Cell1 of level 13,
My Basic pay +GP as on that date totals Rs 47,490.Therefore as per the OM cited above on page3 my basic after bunching should be fixed at Rs 1,26800.
The said OM in fact specifically quotes the example of pay at Rs 47490, which is my case.I hope I am right. Kindly comment. Thanking you.
Seema Ahuja says
I am on substantive post from 01-07-2010 to 17-02-2011 as UDC with Grade Pay Rs. 2800/- and on officiating post from 18-02-2011 to 30-06-2011 with Grade Pay Rs. 4600/- . Am I eligible for annual increment on 01-07-2011. if yes, than in which Grade Pay Rs. 2800/- or Rs. 4600/-
M.K.Kumar says
Since you have not completed the six months (18/2/11 to 30/6/11) in GP 4600 you are not eligible of increment in July, 2011 next DNI in July, 2011. If you have opted from 18/2/11 from basic pay plus GP 4200 or from 1/7/2011.
M.K.KUMAR says
Yes, it is clearly mentioned that Rs.46,100 + 3% as 47,490 = 1,23,100 after bunching as Rs.1,26,800/- the difference of amount plus D.R. for it at the rateds from 1/1/2016 will get as arrears. Contact your ex-employer.
V.Selvaraj says
Sir, please let me know the email id to whom I should ask my doubt,since you are rendering very good service. Surely to be appreciated. I have a doubt and would like to get a clarification. Pl state the e mail id. Thank you.
M.K.KUMAR says
You write your doughts in this site,so that all viewers may see it & solve it for others also.
M.K.Kumar says
Administration : THANKS.