Railway Board clarification orders on 3rd MACP after 20-year service
As per DoPT instructions, third MACPs is to be given based on either ten years from 2nd MACP/Promotion or thirty years of the overall service and also grant of third financial upgradation under MACPS on completion of twenty years of service after 1st promotion as the same involves alteration of the basic concept of MACP Scheme…
(Railway Board)
No PC-V/2011/M/3/AIRF
New Delhi, dated 11.12.2013
The General Secretary
4, State Entry Road, New Delhi-110055
Sub:- Treatment of employees selected under LDCE Scheme/GDCE Scheme.
The undersigned is directed to refer to AIRF’s letter No.AIRF/MACP (260), dt. 07.10.2013 on the above subject and to state that the financial upgradation under MACP Scheme is purely personal to the employee and determined on the basis of personal service particulars of the concerned employee viz, date of joining of a post on direct recruitment basis, subsequent promotions earned as well as method of selection/promotion, intervals at which these promotions were earned etc. In terms of para-9 of Board’s policy instructions on MACP Scheme dt.10-6-09 “regular service for the purpose of MACPS shall commence from the date of a joining of a Dost on a regular basis in direct entry grade on direct recruitment basis. Evidently, an employee who has selected/promoted to a post having element of Promotion Quota cannot be treated at par with DR recruits under LDCE/GDCE.
Further, attention is invited to the instructions contained in Board’s letter dated 12-9-12 regarding regulation of MACPS in case of employees who selected under LDCE/GDCE which demonstrates that “if the relevant Recruitment Rules provide for filling up the vacancies in a grade by Direct Recruitment, the induction of an employee to that grade through LDCE/GDCE may be treated as Direct Recruitment and if the RRs prescribe for ‘Promotion Quota’ through LDCE/GDCE, such appointment would be treated as promotion for MACPS purpose.
Yours faithfully,
for Secretary/Railway Board
Source: AIRF
Check other updates on MACP:
- Clarification on Benchmark grade in ACR – DoPT issued on 9.7.2019
- Clarification regarding benchmark for MACP after 25.07.2016
- Clarification on MACP Benchmark to Railway Employees – RBE No.86/2019
- MACP Grading – Enhancement of Benchmark
- Benchmark for Regular Promotion and MACP
- 7th CPC on MACP – NFIR opposes the benchmark ‘Very Good’
- Dopt orders on MACP – Benchmark to be enhanced from ‘Good’ to ‘Very Good for all the posts
I have Joined Indian Railways for the post of SSE(Grade pay 4600/- on 02.09.2009. Then I completed training from 02.09.2009 to 01..09.2010. Now my basic pay is 60400/- in level 7 of 7th CPC. When shall I get MACP? what will be the pay after MACP? one of my office friend was promoted to the post of SSE on 02..11..2011 in the same level. But he received an upgradation under MACP on 01.09.2019 and drawing more pay than me in this moment though he is junior to me. Can I claim stepping Up of pay?
If your APAR. is vey good bench mark.you can proceed. You said both same post of SSE in same level what is different.?
I have joined the dept. as preventive officer on 21.02.1192 and got promoted in the grade of Supdt on 23.09.2002. I was placed n the grade pay of Rs 5400/- wef 23.09.2006 (non functional grade pay after 4 years). I retired from the service on superannuation on 30.06.2016 in the same grade pay. since H` oble HC .Delhi concluded in its verdict dt 20.01.2018 on macps that non functional up gradation is not macp/ promotion .In this connection I request to clarify whether Iam eligible for second MACP wef 23.9.2012.
MACP is not asked as matter of right after retirement & it should have very good bench mark in service.
Have you so far not got three Promotions you will get 3rd MACP.
If two financial up gradation got through promotion under a same cadre in seven.years is it possible to get third MACP in 17 years ?
may please display the DOPT order where on completion of 20 years of service in a grade 3rd MACP can be given, before completion of 30 years of service.
Sir I had completed apprentice period 1 year after selection in LDCE quota. Kindly inform Rules for pay fixation & date of seniority as per railway Board rule’s, whether seniority continue from date of apprentice or date of regular.Also please tell rule’s for pay fixation for LDCE .
October 21, 2015 at 4:16 pm
I was posted as Telephone operetor in grade 260-400 on 23 January 1984.Promoted SrTelephone Operetor 1200-2040 on12-06-1991..5th pay commission my pay was fixed in Grade 4000-6000 Rs 4100.I applied through GDC 25% quota as A.S.M..Grade4500-7000 and my pay was fix Rs 4500. I was promoted as A.S.M. Grade 5000-6000 on 17-08-2004 and my pay was fixed Rs 5600.Presently I am in PAY BAND Rs 4200. Sir kindly in form me that I am entiteled for Rs4600 Pay Band.1.-I have got my last promotion on 17-08-2004. 2- I had compeleted my 30 Years service. on 23-01-2014.
I was posted as Telephone operetor in grade 260-400 on 23 January 1984.Promoted SrTelephone Operetor 1200-2040 on12-06-1991..5th pay commission my pay was fixed in Grade 4000-6000 Rs 4100.I applied through GDC 25% quota as A.S.M..Grade4500-7000 and my pay was fix Rs 4500. I was promoted as A.S.M. Grade 5000-6000 on 17-08-2004 and my pay was fixed Rs 5600.Presently I am in PAY BAND Rs 4200. Sir kindly in form me that I am entiteled for Rs4600 Pay Band.1.-I have got my last promotion on 17-08-2004. 2- I had compeleted my 30 Years service. on 23-01-2014.
If the prescribed qualification & source of Recruitment/Selection for DRQ & LDCE are one & same except for age relaxation such induction through LDCE is to be treated on par with DR. But RB has not considered the case of Graduate clerks LDCE as agaist DRQ even though d prescribed conditions are same. If all induction through LDCE which involves promotion is treated as against Prmotee quota without any clearcut guidelines I am doubtful whether there is any LDCE which is left out to be treated as DR under cl.(i) of RBE 100/12.