Age Limit for Compassionate Appointment | Compassionate Appointment in Government Service
What is the purpose of the Compassionate appointment scheme in Government Service?
The purpose of this scheme is to provide a job opportunity to a relative of a deceased or medically retired Government servant, in order to ensure that their family does not experience financial hardship and can overcome unexpected difficulties.
Latest News 2023 on Compassionate Appointment:
How to provide Compassionate appointments?
- Compassionate appointments may be made for a maximum of 5% of vacancies falling under the direct recruitment quota in any Group ‘C’ post. The appointing authority can reserve up to 5% of vacancies in the above categories to be filled through direct recruitment with the Staff Selection Commission or any other means in order to fill such vacancies through appointment on compassionate grounds.
Who is eligible for a compassionate appointment?
- Spouse
- Son (including adopted son)
- Daughter (including adopted daughter)
- Brother or sister in the case of an unmarried Government servant
What is the age limit for compassionate appointments?
- The upper age limit could be relaxed wherever found to be necessary. The lower age limit should, however, in no case be relaxed below 18 years of age.
- Age eligibility shall be determined with reference to the date of application and not the date of appointment;
- Authority competent to take a final decision for making a compassionate appointment in a case shall be competent to grant relaxation of upper age limit also for making such appointment.
FAQ on Compassionate Appointment in Central Government
Whether a married son can be considered for a compassionate appointment?
- Yes, if he otherwise fulfills all the other requirements of the Scheme, he is otherwise eligible and fulfills the criteria laid down in this Department’s O.M. dated 16th January 2013 [Click to view in details]
Compassionate Appointment in Central Government Services | Compassionate Appointment in Railways | Compassionate Appointment in CPSE | Compassionate Appointment in Ordnance Factories | Compassionate Appointment in Public Sector Banks
- Compassionate Appointment Rules in Central Government 2019
- Compassionate Appointment Rules in Central Government 2020
- Compassionate Ground Appointment 2019
- Compassionate Ground Appointment 2020
- Compassionate Appointment in Postal Department 2019
- Compassionate Appointment in Postal Department 2020
- Compassionate Appointment in India Post
- Compassionate Appointment Circular 2019
- Compassionate Appointment Circular 2020
- Compassionate Appointment in Tamilnadu 2019
- Compassionate Appointment in Tamilnadu 2020
- Compassionate Appointment in Education Department
- Compassionate Appointment Latest Judgments
The cut-off date/validity period may be regulated as follows:
Applications to be considered: – Application for compassionate appointment received up to 31st December for appointment cycle in respect of death-in-harness or retirement on medical grounds of Government servant upto 31st December for appointment cycle may be considered in the cycle beginning on 1st January of the subsequent year.
Validity of application – DoPT instructions regarding the same may be followed; as of date, the instructions of DoPT provide for considering the applications for compassionate appointments without any time limit.
- Calculation of vacancies — Cumulative unfilled vacancies up to 31st December for the appointment cycle beginning on 1st January of the subsequent year may be included.
- Income of the Family – (Total 40 Points)
Family Pension/Pension# (Basic including DA) - Terminal benefits i.e. Lump sum amount received by the family on the death of a Government Servant (i.e DCR Gratuity, GPF/PPF A/C balance, CGEGIS, Leave encashment)
- Income Apart from Service Benefits – Annual income from Movable/Immovable property as well as annual income earned by the other member(s) of the family
- Movable/immovable Assets/Property of the family (Latest Market Value) including Fixed Deposit/Bank Balance, other investments, LIC claim, etc. (excluding Service Benefits received as mentioned in point 1(iii) above)
- Loans (from Banks/Financial Institutes)/ Debts outstanding against the family
- Leftover service of deceased/ Medically Invalidated Employee
- Time period since death or retirement on medical grounds** of Government Servant (Immediate relief)
- Minor children of a deceased Government servant
- Minor children of a deceased Government servant
- Dependent, Physically and mentally challenged (without age limit)
Click to read the full order in PDF (1.7.2022)
Compassionate Appointment Circular:
- DoPT Guidelines on Compassionate Ground Appointment March 13, 2020
- Appointment on Compassionate Grounds – Acquisition of higher qualification July 9, 2019
- Calculation of Vacancies for Compassionate Appointment in Central Govt Services June 17, 2019
- Recognised Political Parties Participating in 17th Lok Sabha General Election: Request to include demands in Election Manifestos March 15, 2019
- Appointment on Compassionate grounds in GP 4200 December 3, 2018
- Railway Board Agreed to Review the Decision on LARSGESS Termination September 28, 2018
- Compassionate Appointment Scheme Withdrawn in Railways September 27, 2018
- Appointment on Compassionate Appointments – Relaxation in Upper Age Limit September 26, 2018
- Appointment on Compassionate Grounds: 2nd Wife Policy Letter May 29, 2018
- Grant of One Time Relaxation for Compassionate Appointments – BPMS April 7, 2018
- Appointment on Compassionate Grounds – Railway Board Orders April 3, 2018
- Scheme for Compassionate Appointment – Relative merit points and revised procedure for selection February 7, 2018
- Compassionate Appointment Scheme – Relative Merit Points and Procedure January 24, 2018
- 7th CPC Minimum Educational Qualification for appointment in Level-l of the pay matix on compassionate grounds December 19, 2017
- Appointed as trainees on compassionate grounds – Fixation of 7th CPC Pay October 10, 2017
- Induction training of Engineering Degree/Diploma Holder Compassionate appointees February 13, 2017
- Grant of one-time relaxation from the ceiling of 5% for compassionate appointments – BPMS January 7, 2017
- Compassionate ground appointments in Public Sector Banks September 23, 2016
- Clarification on compassionate appointment for married son – Dopt issued orders on 5.9.2016 September 6, 2016
- Grant of one time relaxation from the ceiling of 5% for compassionate appointment in Ministry of Defence December 14, 2015
- Review of compassionate appointment cases regarding – MoD Orders May 11, 2015
- Appointment on compassionate grounds – Clarifications issued by Railway Board April 27, 2015
- Dopt Clarification on Definition of a Dependent Family Member – Whether ‘married son’ can be considered for compassionate appointment? February 25, 2015
- No need of getting countersigned by two permanent government employees for compassionate appointment October 11, 2014
- Grant of compassionate appointment to the wards in Railways – Railway Board reply March 20, 2014