7th Central Pay Commission – Regularisation of Retirement Age?
As the recommendation and implementation of the 7th Central Pay Commission is eagerly awaited by the central government employees, some points in the recommendations are slightly leaking in..It may not be authentically correct.
According to information from various sources, the Pay Commission may fix the minimum basic pay at Rs. 15000/- and it is assumed that a huge increase in the salaries of the employees cannot be expected. The term of the commission was extended for four months and they are in full swing giving final touches to the report to be submitted to the central government by the end of December 2015.
One more recommendation which is said to be an important one, is the regularisation of retirement age for the Central Government Employees. The Commission may recommend that an employee should retire after completing 33 years of service or at the age of 60 whichever comes first. For instance, if an employee joins a central government establishment at the age of 23, his retirement age will be 56. If this recommendation is true, it will definitely create panic among the employees and it will not be a wise decision by the pay commission. All Federations and Associations will strongly oppose these type of recommendations…
The 6th CPC had brought various changes in the Pay Structures and introduced Grade Pay. There was a moderate increase in the Basic Pay, House Rent Allowance and re-imbursement of tuition fees was also introduced. The minimum basic pay was Rs.5200+Grade Pay 1800=Rs. 7000/- while it was Rs. 2650/- in the 5th CPC.
Further, it is also said that, the 7th CPC may abolish the 6th CPC’s Pay Scales and may bring back the old pay scales. The overall increase in the Pay Scale will be around 15% to 20%…
Let us wait and see for the ultimate results…!
Source: http://www.govtstaffnewsportal.in/
Retirement age must be 56 years for paramilitry personnel for young and active soldier
I am my self a soldier of assam rifles
I know better in ground
It will be healthy practice, if it applicable for all govt. employees including doctor, teachers, engg. etc
Very good policy decision to reduce the retirement age for central govt. employees.. Recurring unproductive expenditure on central govt. staff will come down and youngsters can be given employment with less salary.On completion of 33 years of service full gratuity is given. Hence implementing 33 years of age or 58 years of age will improve our economy. The amount saved can be used in some useful sector for the benefit of the nation, Please implement for the welfare of the country, before implementing 7 th pay commission. But the staff retiring should be given one additional increment for the service put in this year.
Its a very good thinking of the cpc to apply the retirement age 60 or complite of 33 years of services because after serving 33 years of service one can feel tired But take a huge amount of salary in this salary four young one posted.so we request to apply it for a better future of our nation and young mass
Lock will be done 1st 33 years service or 60 years age.
I would like to enhancement of earned leave 60 days as per defense personnel..
Cosideration for Hony rk is not justified because it is granted on th overall performance of indl including his service in remote as well as hard area. Not on the condition of rank. Subedar are also being granted hony commission.
i agree with retirement on 33years service but suggest that at least one child (daughter) may be appointed in place of retired empoyee. This is a burning issue at inernational lebel to empower the women as women is the solution of powerty..
33 साल की सेवा पर रिटायर करने की सिफारिश करना सरकारी कर्मचारियों को भूखे मारने अथवा आत्महत्या के लिए मजबूर करने जैसा है। 20-24 साल की उम्र में डॉक्टर या वैज्ञानिक तो बना नहीं जाता ऐसे में केवल क्लर्क या फिर चपरासी की ही नौकरी मिलती है और उसे वे ही करते हैं जिनके पास आगे पढने के लिए पैसे नहीं होते। क्या 53-55 साल की उम्र में किसी के बच्चे सेट हो पाते हैं, उनकी शादी हो पाती है, घर की जिम्मेदारियां निपट पाती हैं-बिल्कुल नहीं। तो फिर ऐसी सिफारिश की गाज तो छोटे कर्मचारियों पर ही पडेगी, फिर सबका साथ, सबका विकास कहां गया। और ऐसा होने पर वर्तमान सरकार कहां गई यह भी किसी को पता नहीं चलेगा। गरीब एवं छोटे कर्मचारियों की आह बेकार नहीं जाएगी।
ऐसी सिफारिशों को कूडे की टोकरी में फेंक देना चाहिए, और सबके लिए एकसमान 60 साल तक की उम्र तक काम करने पर रिटायरमेंट आयु बनानी चाहिए। और उसमें पद के आधार पर भेदभाव नहीं करना चाहिए।
I sincerely hope the following two essential cases will favorably consider by the 7th Pay Commission;-
a) Subedar Major of Indian Army who forced to retired after four years of tenure , before 28 years of total service , as per terms of engagement(Not for other services) will give adequate service weight age to bring their pension at the maximum of the rank..
b) Consideration of Honorary rank for pension benefits.
The unduly large differences of basic starting pay in the higher grades at the level of Jt. Secretary, Add Secretary, Special Secretary and the Secretary and their equivalents in technical fields etc., as has been the case in sixth pay commission, should be narrowed down and these should have the same pay band . Grade pay business should be removed. All these posts bear the responsibilities as heads of deptts however under the chain of command. This will ensure justifiable pension to these officers on their retirements.