Fixation of Pay on Re-Employment of ex-servicemen - CAT Order Judgment on fixation of pay on re-employment of ex-servicemen by Hon’ble CAT Bangalore Bench "The applicant, an ex-serviceman was appointed as postal assistant in initial pay Rs 9910 + … [Read more...]
Equal pay for Equal Work to Persons on Daily Wages
Equal pay for Equal Work to Persons on Daily Wages Equal pay for Equal Work for Casual workers: Compliance with earlier instructions and Hon'ble Court's Judgement thereon No.W-O2/0038/2019-DPE (WC)-GL- XVIII/19 Government of India Ministry of Heavy … [Read more...]
Case of State Civil Services (SCS) officers : Clarifications in the wake of Punjab & Haryana High Court order dated 1.2.2010 in CWP No. 15798 of 2009
Dopt clarification orders on the case of State Civil Services (SCS) officers : Clarifications in the wake of Punjab & Haryana High Court order dated 1.2.2010 in CWP No. 15798 of 2009 G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M.No.22012/99/2009-AIS-I, … [Read more...]
Implementation of Supreme Court’s judgement dated 31.10.2013 in WP(Civil) No. 82/2011 in the matter of Shri T.S. R. Subramanian & Others vs. UOI & Others
Implementation of Supreme Court's judgement dated 31.10.2013 in WP(Civil) No. 82/2011 in the matter of Shri T.S. R. Subramanian & Others vs. UOI & Others Implementation of Supreme Court's judgement dated 31.10.2013 in WP(Civil) No. 82/2011 in … [Read more...]